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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is the FSF going to die with him? That's sad to think about.
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>what do you expect him to do really? Threaten the OSI leadership with suicide bombings?


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Happy Hacking, tripsman.

Gentoo is old forced meme now. Install guix, it respects your freedom by default. Stallman, the GNU project, and the FSF approve.


So he wasn't just hiding a balloon under his shirt…


Alright I'm happy for the blessed autist. He was right about a lot of things. Nature is healing.
> Install guix
Gib your comrades a paragraph about it


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have a meme


This made me uninstall Guix.


the idea that Guix wasting their development labor on HURD and GNUnet (two dead GNU meme projects) is somehow a selling point is funny. 8/8 made me respond


I dunno, the idea behind GNUnet is awesome. I don't know how GNU/Hurd is better than OpenBSD however.


>>24787 (me)
Other than OpenBSD having proprietary blobs of course. But that's fixable.


conceptually, Hurd and GNUnet are both cool, but they're also basically both vaporware


in the case of GNUnet I also have a very hard time taking seriously any of these P2P projects that want to replace the internet. I have seen many attempted over the past decade (GNUnet has been around even longer) and every single one of them has at best had very limited usefulness. it feels like a category of projects that is simply not worth working on unless you're just doing it for fun.




Is GNUnet faster than Tor? Because it might be its advantage when it comes to anonymizing repositories. Otherwise Tor is still better. Using I2P would still be ideal but I haven't seen any distros providing any I2P mIrrors.


best example of a meme being more informative than any paragraph
>This made me uninstall Guix.


he just posts a bunch of libshit on his blog anyways. seeing my fat uncle die of cancer while quoting Bill Maher has really destroyed the taboo around the subject to me
it doesn't trigger the Hollywood reflexes in my brain any longer. die you old chomo, dieeee


Not appreciating what the person has done because of their bs political opinions is one the problems with modern politics, you are part of the problem. Yeah, his political opinions may be extremely liberal but I don't care because his contributions are based af, we wouldn't have libre software without him and his strong determination in fighting against proprietary software. And I don't expect him to have sophisticated political opinions: even the greatest scientists can have the stupidest political opinions possible just because they live in a bubble.


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true, if rms were a communist he wouldnt be at the forefront of a consumer movement


and im not saying this facetiously btw lol


excuse what the actual fuck
>implying gentoo doesn't respect your freedom
<it actually does
>consumer movement
I don't think running a Tor node counts as consuming

alsoo… stallman status??


oh wait I fell for the bait that wasn't even bait



Yeah, this is one of the dumbest things he's ever done if you're telling the truth, and I'm saying that as Stallman's fan. Maybe he's turning into Joe Biden.


It's probably a joke hopefully


>I don't think running a Tor node counts as consuming
I think they mean the consumer customer rights movement. Which Stallman is technically a part of since he advocates for the rights of software users who are the customers of software distributors.


It's meta-ironic.


I mean yeah true but those who are part of the movement are the ones who are actually writing software + building infrastructure(Tor nodes for example) for those users to use/consume in the first place tho
lol guess I got baited yet again


>but those who are part of the movement are the ones who are actually writing software
Well, if they care about software freedom they're technically activists.
>lol guess I got baited yet again
You got meta-baited: maybe you got baited, maybe you had legitimate concerns about rms's sanity, who knows? This is an imageboard.


>Well, if they care about software freedom they're technically activists.
hel yeea
>You got meta-baited: maybe you got baited, maybe you had legitimate concerns about rms's sanity, who knows?
all of the above, sleep deprivation benefits lel


>all of the above, sleep deprivation benefits lel
No, seriously, I myself don't know if it's a bait or not, maybe this anon is serious.


when it comes to richard stallman's basedness we can't underestimate what he would do so it might actually be real doubt it though


How are you idiots still discussing a question that would take you 2 seconds to find the answer to?


>How are you idiots still discussing a question that would take you 2 seconds to find the answer to?
We're lazy.


too lazy to STFW tbh


STFW stands for "search the fuxking web


Can you help me kill myself?


nooo dude stay alive, things will get better. smoke a bluntweed in the meantime


More like narcissistic, you love the sight of your own posts more than you care if you have anything meaningful to say.


>you love the sight of your own posts
You're literally retarded. Kys.


>You're literally retarded. Kys.
you love the sight of your own posts more than you care if you have anything meaningful to say.


Sad. And right now SV is launching a coup to kill open source forever and lock all next gen inside the secured classified envelope. They will likely succeed.


What happened?


NTA, i am doing a work project explaining stuff about open source, what is that all about?



You haven't seen that jumped-up nerd Leopold Aschenbrenner getting pushed everywhere? He's in charge of some giant fund now afaik. He demands AI research be undertaken, and simultaneously locked up, by the state. For natsec reasons. Typical hare-brained lib ignorance and paranoia, but this will find extremely fertile ground in America.


idk i don't live in america lol. Gonna search for it.


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I made these meme for Richard


Hurd is a microkernel, which makes the OS more secure and composable. Think of it as being vaguely similar to Plan 9.




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