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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I hate webp, why did it even become a thing?


because you can put hecking 10,000x10,000 pictures on your website and still afford to pay your server bills, rather than having reasonably sized JPEGs or even implementing the JPEG spec in full (pyramidal coding comes to mind)


Google wanted it.


This, basically. It's just like Microsoft IE back in the day but a bit less obviously trash. Chrome has generally good engineering but implements anti-features.


Even images on this website are webp. Try and save that thumbnail kek. Yet you can't post webp. Weird.


Chrome is ass.


It is, but it's not IE is basically what I meant. Whatever the case, the shit Chrome does, FF needs to implement. Sometimes even broken shit.


Trusted sources only ;) broken settings saved the day. I tried to fix it but I couldn't look too much into it. The way lainchan handles images is very convoluted for no reason.


Eh isn't it one of those exploits where a lot of things have to go wrong for it to work?

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