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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1696667829025.png (104.63 KB, 586x834, 99051659f164ee8e.png)


Streaming services have reached the "fucking kill as many users as possible so they can't cancel their subscibtions" phase.

My partner is "actively now having a seizure", better post about it on tumblr.

seisures can vary in severity but yeah it's wild to just drop that without immediate context lol

>paying for digital media
There's your problem.
>my partner is having a seizure
Probably a temper tantrum from not getting what they want when they want.
>flashed a series of QR codes
>have to record them for 15s
>amped up the brightness
That never happened.

<paying for digital media
true but it's neat to nice these things be unsustainable
>Probably a temper tantrum from not getting what they want when they want.
You need to 18+ to post here
<flashed a series of QR codes
<have to record them for 15s
<amped up the brightness
>That never happened.
Never underestimate the incompetence of proprietary software devs

4chin moment

>That never happened.
It may be fake but it's completely believable as the kind of harebrained shit these companies would use for verification purposes.

File: 1696703077642.jpeg (89.33 KB, 1170x1030, 0ebd79894bfdb443.jpeg)

These sites have been pretty unhinged with their A/B testing lately.

File: 1696704315383.png (510.48 KB, 684x1634, hoax.png)

>It may be fake but it's completely believable
why is this midwit way of thinking so prevalent

It is the foundational cognitive dissonance that makes outrage farm content engaging. Without it half of youtube wouldn't exist.

Spoiler that image! It gave me a seizure (I'm ok now).

Making fun of disabilities, how leftist of you.

>That never happened.
Oh sweet summer child.

>believing tumblerites
Have you not noticed the propensity of the users of that website to exaggerate and pretend to have mental illnesses? tumblr seems to be the source of all those "otherkin" and "systems" (people who believe their bodies are inhabited by different people and then pretend to be those different personalities at the drop of a hat).

I am "neurodivergent" myself and actually suffer from (real) PTSD, autism, ADHD, bipolar. Mental "illness" (difficulty adjusting to capitalism and capiralist society) is a complicated issue and if anything, those who exaggerate and pretend to have those mental illnesses do more damage for acceptance and availabilty of aternative treatments than people who diss them.

I do not believe Netflix, a "woke" company that has warnings in front of potential seizure-inducing shows and even has a disclaimer for shows filmed in Russia before the Ukraine war, would have seizure-inducing menus. Maybe I give them too much credit?

>tumblr seems to be the source of all those "otherkin" and "systems"
Stopped reading. Go back to /pol/

OP's post is stupid but this is just your typical epic channer misanthropy. Yawn.

>not having a central router and dumb WAPs

Because capitalists have gotten so insanely shitty with their fuckery that it's hard to imagine a lie about them that would not be plausible.

youre… youre doing the same thing hes making fun of…

my wet ass pussy goes mad dumb

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