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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I had to buy some train ticket the other day, and the website let me do it without needing an account, it just emailed me a pdf of the ticket that I showed to the conductor from my phone using a random pdf reader from F-Droid. Why can't everything be this convenient, why do everything else force you to register and account and download their malware ridden apps just to do something so simple?

Isn't this how plane tickets and basically all tickets work

Last time I had to fly by plane I could only check-in from the airline's app. Although that was before the pandemic.

>I had to buy some train ticket the other day, and the website let me do it without needing an account, it just emailed me a pdf of the ticket that I showed to the conductor from my phone using a random pdf reader from F-Droid.
That's how buying all tickets works. Only exception are concert tickets, where you have to create a ticketmaster account (or some other ticket selling middleman).
>Last time I had to fly by plane I could only check-in from the airline's app.
Must have been RyanAir or some other "low-cost" airline.

For buses and tram you have to download the app and scan some qr code while boarding, it's not the same.

>For buses and tram you have to download the app and scan some qr code while boarding
That's different than a plane ticket.

I give them a 2e coin and say my destination

Some time ago I had to buy some computer parts, I looked online, put the thing I needed into the virtual "shopping cart", and when I tried to pay it asked me if I wanted to log in, register, or continue as a guest. I clicked to continue, filled in the billing stuff, paid by card… and then got an email that everything is in order and they thank me for buying there and oh by the way, they made an account for me, here's my password.

Why let me buy stuff without registration if buying automatically registers me?? If I knew it would do that I would have just bought the thing in person.

File: 1696718238895.jpg (195.08 KB, 1280x850, FT4pTA7WQAgdJEy.jpg)

Amtrak anon?

buses here let you put coins into a machine

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