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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Just wondering if you use any android app (preferably open-source) to browse on leftypol and/or getchan.

I heard about `Clover` but it seems dead for a while and kuroba only has support to nazi hellholes — as far as I know at least; is there a way to add another chan there btw? I've been wanting to lurk while at the college since there are a lot of libs and a few right wingers (almost nazi fucks) and I'm too lazy to try to engage in conversation. Anyway do you know an app?

yes its called firefox

Yeah I know, it's just a bit clunky to use for this purpose.

if only imageboard devs bothered making responsive frontends……….

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It's a bit of work for them, I can understand them.
Guess I'll have to stick with firefox. Btw, it's there a difference between the playstore's and f-droid's version of firefox?

Off: classes fucking sucks, lots of libs "arguing" how to stop climate change and giving retarded anwsers. Fuck em

Anyway, have a nice day

> it's there a difference between the playstore's and f-droid's version of firefox?

Be that I mean huge differences, not only about free libraries etc

f-droid's is fennec, a fork of firefox that still phones home (and google).
also for the past years direct downloads from mozilla have a unique vendor id attached so consider getting the apk from their https repository

How's mull? I've been using it. No jxl support yet but the homescreen seems less cluttered.

Thanks comrade, I'm gonna give it a try when I'm free

Hmm, seems interesting, especially the Tor bit

Kuroba literally supports leftypol. Im posting with it rn.

I tried telling them how and they got so mad they became deluded into thinking I was posting gore. Nobody with a work ethic would run an imageboard. Same reason you don't see people making open source frontends for Facebook like Bibliogram. Nobody even wants that shit.

Crazy, finally a comfy app for leftypol.

Finally. I can rest and be more active.

Actually on topic: https://git.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol/issues/138
Contributions are welcome, even just a list of stuff that would need to be addressed.
Lately I've had so little free time…

Looks like we may get support from Chance soon, now that clover and kurobaex are dead

My kuroba ex fork is starting to shit itself now

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