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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Stallman is OUT!

Anyone defending, mentioning, or promoting Stallman, and his liberal capitalist "free" software philosophy is a liberal.

literally every communist on the floss movement already knows he's a liberal

The vast majority of foss advocates have moved well past stallmanism to more proactive approaches, since stallmanism ultimately amounts to shutting oneself in and advocating others do the same by being annoying to them. The gnu depicted as a monk spelled that out quite plainly.
It is commonly understood that foss should seek to destroy proprietary software by severing the network effect that traps people into mostly proprietary environments in the first place: i.e. the wine and proton projects making running exes work on linux and mac, making basically everything that was windows exclusive work as well, or in most cases better, on other systems–thus depreciating windows entirely, thus preventing new exes being made further down the line.
Stallman's idea of free software "philosophy" was picked of it's catchy and once-novel bits and else tossed aside from the get go, because it was idealist and passive toward the continued existance of proprietary software that would never return that passivity. It was never defacto to the broader foss movement, and is barely a blip on the radar at this point.

What's so bad about that screenshot?

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Redmond hands typed this

You go to Stallman for opinions on technology and programming, not electoral politics.

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I hate /g/ so much.

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I like how the first post is rightfully upset about imageboard shut-ins being vicious assholes and then the replies are about things that aren't remotely similar at all.

Why? I love /g/ so much

It's nothing but inane comments.

oh yeah i love the /v/ but with technology board

GNOME Developers Suffer Constant Harassment

>sending death threats to freedesktop developers for their software not working
technically illiterate flamers, i kneel

Least surprising surprise ever

the shit that made gnome infamous was people sending patches to fix something and then being CLOSED WONTFIX. it's clearly not always a matter of "work for me for free." i some devs already have patreons/liberapays, but what i don't get is why bug bountying never took off. you'd think devs would be shilling people endlessly about it and it would be integrated in all the git forges if it was such a big deal to them.

nothing, if it was posted in /usapol/ no one could tell the difference

Bug bounties don't work because you are not sure to receive the money. It would be better to commission the feature/bugfix. But even then upstream has no obligation to accept the work, so you might end up with a fork and a lifetime of work to rebase your patches.

I can literally post any off topic shit about China I want. And I get more replies than on /pol/

>agreeing with a liberal on anything ever makes you a liberal
This take is such retarded dogmatism. Most of you mfs have more spooks in your brain carcass than Stallman and yet you judge everyone else as if you have the Truth. This is as far away from actual materialist analysis as any idealist is, logical fallacies and guilt-tripping aplenty.

Stallman doesn't actually oppose anything that you said. He actually said Steam is a net positive for GNU/Linux adoption, even though he doesn't like it.

What most Stallman haters refer to as "Stallmanism" is a strawman they themselves invented based on a vocal minority that is more extreme than Stallman is. Stallman advocates for LibreJS and JShelter ffs, he isn't even inherently opposed to JavaScript (I am however). Stallman restricts himself more than anyone else, he doesn't want to force anyone to go as far as he does, even though he takes this very seriously.

The libre software philosophy doesn't equal isolationism so saying that it's irrelevant is completely missing its point. Standing for software freedom is standing for the user empowerment, remix culture and privacy, the Open Source movement is a non-movement, it only cares about development, not privacy or user freedom, those things are completely secondary to them, same with the copyfree advocates (the two things are pretty much synonymous in my eyes, it's just semantics). Emphasizing the four freedoms is enough to be considered a software freedom activist in my view, you don't need to be a hermit. Neither Mako nor Snowden are and yet they are the more outspoken FSF allies.

gnome is a poxy, corporate-controlled locked-down featureless "productivity" drudgery software on par with the likes of outlook and jira.
I couldn't care less if it died, I'd rather do everything from the command line than use it.

What is the problem with isolationism? In our current time, this is the smartest thing you can do.

I'm a comp sci student currently taking web dev classes. What technologies would you recommend if I wanna go about it the right way for personal projects?

Leave Stallman alone, the old man has cancer.
If your goal is to get ready for a job, learn React for the frontend, Java with Spring Boot for the backend, and use a SQL database (Postgres/MariaDB/MySQL).
If your goal is to do a personal project simply to learn more or for fun, you can use whatever you want, as long as you do things, you will learn stuff that is applicable to other technologies, and you can always recode stuff later on if there are too many problems.

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