Having a dark theme is optional.
I'm tired of duckduckgo's retard results and searx's confusing and non-related results (being a pain to use it private windows since all configuration is cleaned etc.)
Sorry for not elaborating much, I'm too tired and have a test tomorrow, see ya comrades.
>>22266there aren't any better general search engines. bookmark some specific searches and get gud.
>private windowswhat do you think you're using private windows for? browser anti-fingerprinting is a piss in the ocean, donottrack makes you trackable and some browsers even disable adblockers in "private" mode. it gives you the illusion of privacy by temporarily clearing site data.
install umatrix and make data non-persistent instead. a well-configured umatrix will block most forms of fingerprinting and history wiping insures against that which happens regardless.
>dark themeget a userstyles manager, inspect the page and start writing some css.
>>22274are you sure about that?
>>22335i mean, what did you expect? seriously.
>>22268thanks for the tips, it was a bit of a slap, but i'll try them. thanks again anon
>>22271reminder that google is fascist(just like all of big tech and all other bourgeois/proprietary infrastructure)
yandex is better, and searx is kinda cringe
>>22579fair enough.
>>22580>yandex is betterisn't yandex proprietary? the only thing about yandex that i like is the fact that reverse image search is reeaaally good, especially when compared to others reverse image search engines.
>and searx is kinda cringengl sometimes it is. auto-detect language feature is garbage, failing most of the time. some results are interesting but aren't the norm.
>>22583>a non-bourgeois search engine doesn't existcould you elaborate?
>>22590>could you elaborate?have you found one? I haven't
yandex is also good for torrents, since they don't hide torrent sites
>>225794chan is probably mainly a white supremacist site now
even if you go to one of the more side boards, you'll find a bunch of idiots complaining about minorities and not much else
>>22591>have you found one? I haven'tgot a point (i didn't read the metasearch engines part).
thing is: even if the engine is completely open source they'll still gotta have its database/index from somewhere, and i dont know if there's a open source thing like this
>>22599>4chan is probably mainly a white supremacist site nowindeed. even searching for something """wholesome"""/"""entertaining""" about it, always have a redirection to a nazi article about it.
>even if you go to one of the more side boards, you'll find a bunch of idiots complaining about minorities and not much elsei used to lurk on /wg/ and /po/, and it's amazing that even there were some retards saying "i want to suck hitler's balls :pppp" fuck that site
>>22711Search engines exercise a lot of power over user behavior, demostrated by how they currently exist.
If a government run search engine were to be established, intelligence would heavily lobby for the right to siphon user data, politicians would regularly try to impose their agenda under the pretext of public morals and after a while the public entity could be spun of into a profitable public company.
I cannot see search engines being important enough as infrastructure to counteract these developement. Hell despite the importance of broadband in the US and the regulations surrounding it, ISPs are notoriously unreliable and predatory. Some people even use cell phone networks at home because of how bad things are.
There used to be a very solid search engine called Gigablast.com, programmed and operated by a single guy (you would not ever guess that from the product!), but I stopped using it because it required cookies and javascript. Went looking for it because of this thread, but it vanished in April.
There are two good passion projects now, both with usually very good results
if they have anything to show for your query:
https://wiby.org/ and
https://search.marginalia.nu/ (source:
>>22711The government of each country should have at least a search engine for the texts on its own websites.
>>22696muh freeze peach
good luck having your post ignored or flamed because it doesn't have the obligatory tie-in to how hecking tr*nnies are ruining Western Civilization with immigrants
if you fill your website with a bunch of 14-year-old neo-Nazis and Fox News watchers, it doesn't matter what rules, or lack of rules, there are at that point
>>25050Funny you say that since it also refers to this article: "Why I Lost Faith in Kagi"
https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html<First of all, as a project, Kagi stretches itself way too thin. "Kagi" isn't just Kagi Search, it's also a whole slew of AI tools, a Mac-only web browser called Orion, and right now they are planning on launching an email service as well. None of these projects are particularly profitable, so it's not a case of one subsidizing the other, and when they announced Kagi Email even their most dedicated userbase (aka the types who hang around in a fbi.gov for a search engine) seemed largely disinterested. For products this niche, I don't think you can afford to be running multiple niche products at once. Your developers are going to be running far too ragged to keep them all going. Last I could find Kagi employs about 16 employees, half full time. Presumably not every single one of those 8 or so full timers are web devs. That's not a lot of people to throw at this many things.<(…)<As it turns out, Kagi was founded originally as an AI company, who later pivoted to search. And going by their comments in their fbi.gov, AI tools seem to be what they spend most of their time on these days. They're launching AI features left and right, and they have fully bought into AI being the future of search. They believe that by embracing AI, that will be the thing that sets their product apart (kinda late now) and get them the kind of userbase that can keep them afloat financially. They have "FastGPT", where their focus is having a ChatGPT style service that is focused on being fast, not accurate. And boy, it sure isn't, I messed around with this for a while and it very confidently gave me a lot of extremely inaccurate information about old sitcoms. But of course, it's all stuff where if you didn't already know the answer to the question you asked you wouldn't know it was wrong–like when I asked it about the All in the Family episode Cousin Liz, it kept identifying the woman Edith and Archie are talking to in the episode as Cousin Liz, but Cousin Liz is instead Edith's deceased cousin who they were attending a funeral for. Following a theme I asked it more broadly about homosexuality in All in the Family and it spit out a bunch of text repeatedly saying that Lionel Jefferson was gay. But I guess it did spit all of this wrong information at me faster than some of the alternatives! >>22600>>22602>>22603>>25196Satan is just god's kink fursona for when he gets bored of chilling in heaven listening to the non stop harp music for eternity.
Heaven is church, Earth is the club, and Hell is the after party where he really lets out his inner freak.
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