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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is there any point in using a libre router? Or changing your ISP-provided router at all?
These seem very overpriced for what they provide.


You're better off getting a router supported by OpenWrt


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Theres mini fanless routers on Aliexpress, that can run Opensense or OpenWrt.


Can't you get better wifi with those tho? Better coded than the shit the ISP slaps together.


outdated proprietary routers are huge security hazards. get an old pc and install pfsense on it + pfblocker.
get mini pcs/nucs and put wireless cards in them (not intel) and install debian+hostapd and use them as WAPs.
don't use openwrt, it's shit. it wipes your settings when you try to update it.


>Can't you get better wifi with those tho?
I just use a wireless access point for Wi-Fi devices and connect it to >>22310.


OpenWrt - FOSS Firmware For Your Router


OpenWrt One - celebrating 20 years of OpenWrt
>OpenWrt One will be a wireless networking device designed for free and open source software enthusiasts, encouraging people to tinker with and learn about embedded development and Linux networking.

1. As open as possible and fully compliant with all copyleft and other FOSS licenses it uses
2. An educational platform for tinkering with/learning about open hardware and Linux
3. A way to donate to the OpenWrt project while receiving a nice gadget in return
4. Provide expansibility through mikroBUS, GPIOs and PCI/e M.2
5. Software unbrickable and easily recoverable without additional means
6. The satisfaction of achieving an overdue personal objective


Router side protection is your main defense. You can run shitty outdated software on your device under a good router and that router will do most security for you but bad ones potentially leave your whole network vulnerable. Especially with the amount of automated port scanning going on. I would say it's worth it to ditch ISP provided router if possible and/or find some kind of foss up to date firmware for your new one. Many older routers are supported though if you find the model on a list of supported devices a used one shouldn't be much, that's what i did, was like maybe 30$.

Think freshtomato, OpenWRT, DD-wrt something and then keep on new updates for it. Of all the things to ignore and run unpatched/outdated versions of, router firmware is the worst one.


Also here's a good site that is doing exactly what you should be worried about, mass scanning and searching for vulnerable routers/devices. You can search by manufacturer, OS, IP, etc and see how many open devices are sitting around. No wonder botnets are so common now.



Why does it need so much RAM?


Why tf not? It's cool to have all the code auditable and to support the development of more libre software projects… if you have the money of course.

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