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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I have a feeling that "AI alignment problems" were just made up to make programmers feel better about their inability to solve any real problem. Please tell me how wrong I am.


Even worse, it isn't even programmers.


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LessWrongers etc who are very concerned about AI safety never seem to realize we already have a rogue alien intelligence controlling our lives and making decisions counter to human interests: capital


They are truly some of the biggest pseuds of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Why not focus on problems that actually exist like inequality and global warming. Very funny that there's enough imbecile tech people to pay for their dumb foundation


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I have to give it to Big Yud, tricking techbros out of their money is a good grift


Terrible argument since Yud could explain in words why I shouldn't kill him but it would still be obvious correct action


yes but EY can fortunately feel pain which GPT-3 sadly cannot


>questions if chickens sentient
No one has ever insisted they weren't. That wouldn't nake sense, the presence of an avian brain in a chicken's skull isn't disbuted.


He's getting 'sentient' and 'sapient' mixed up because he's a retard.


are you telling me the too-smart-for-academia folks over at LessWrong might not be as smart as they'd like you to think? preposterous


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>Why not focus on problems that actually exist like inequality and global warming.
Yes, when they have shit like this, it is hard not to wonder if it is an Exxon PR campaign.


People who actually know how shit works wouldn't worry themselves with "AI alignment" in the first place unless they just want to grift.


Why is that?


All those assholes are some flavor of lesswrongoid rationalist neorreactionary.


AI is nowhere close to being real and there's much bigger issues. None of the stuff like AI art is anything approaching actual AI.


>AI alignment problems
marketing term, nothing to do with programming


oh yeah dude ai is so so soooooo powerful right now we need to contain it pass laws only let a select few control it because it could kill us all im not blowing it out of proportion so you inflate our stocks no im actually sooo scared aha


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"current text generation models carry with them the seeds for worldwide human extinction and we need to act accordingly" is a massively strong claim that is entirely hypothetical and carries zero evidence to back it up. It was more believable to say that nuclear weapons would cause a human extinction event and it still didn't happen. Why does anyone take these clowns seriously

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