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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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If you thought managing several layers of complexity was a pain enough, we added even more layers of complexity just so we can deploy infrastructure in a few commands.

I swear this shit has gone out of hand.
I love automation but it doesn't need this many layers, just a CI server that tests and builds your release and a standardized way to update the manifest to pull the new image on kubernetes or a docker host automates everything.

if you need monitoring stuff like grafana or whatever, just have it built and shipped with kubernetes because that's what everyone uses it for anyway instead of it being its own stupid thing.

Ansible, chef and all that is useful but you don't really need those unless you're managing hosts and that's not really something you're doing much of if you've already started dumping containers on kubernetes or whatever is the equivalent from aws/azure.

It could have been a bash one-liner…

docker build && docker push && kubectl patch deployment –image=new-image
something along those lines

github actions
Kafka fucking everywhere
Prometheus and opentracing
Actuators and nginx
Hashicorp vault, certs, and secret stores
Redis cluster
Http services


I find it pretty cool that every company I've been in uses AWS and other cloudshit for websites that will get visited by a couple thousand people a month at the very most.

but will it scale!?!

Yeah I wish I got paid more instead of having the company funds go to fucking Amazon or Google.

I used to work for Microsoft. The servers had to run in some fucking obscure cobbled together cluster protocol, maintained by a myriad of undocumented scripts, software and platforms, running some godforsaken windows NT to run C# .NET servers.

Count your blessing lol. AWS, ec2/ecr, docker, terraform are a breeze in comparison.

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*mogs all your cloud-native bullshit*

"I can break the cycle of abstraction and encapsulation with one final act of abstraction. It's never worked before, but it's going to work this time."

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