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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Hi I'm looking to make my own website to host articles and stories I've written. I wanted to do Wordpress but like I found out its going to put ads on my screen. I've got no money and no time to learn programming skills. Is there an open source version of Wordpress where it doesn't monetize everything and where I can change my font?


If you're okay with doing html manually (not hard) then neocities.org is a good host. I've used it for a few years and it's pretty comfy. You'll even show up in the global feed every once in a while when updating.


>>22779 (me)
I'll be honest, I skim read the OP, but html deosn't really take any time to learn. Just put tags around the text and copy css from sites you think look cool.


Yeah I think I did an HTML website at school, I'm just worried it'll be vulnerable to hax or something


Nah it just serves a document. As secure as you can get as long as you don't add any complex javascript. Just make sure you set a good password for your neocities account, which I imagine the same to be the case for wordpress.


>I've got no money and no time to learn programming skills.
If you're going the html route, i recommend learning at least a little about shell scripting.
You can use a very easy form of templating by writing a head.html and tail.html file, that contain your theme and sitewide navigation bar, and writing a simple script to concatenate it with an html formatted article, for example:
for i in *.htcontent; do # all files in current directory ending with .htcontent
  new=`echo $i | sed 's/.......$/ml/` # replace last 6 letters with ml
  cat head.html $i tail.html > $new # concatenate into html


write.as federates on the fediverse


>Is there an open source version of Wordpress
yeah, Wordpress


Sounds like django but worse


>wowie this is just like the python site-serving DSL with a 600 page manual that i run on my LAMP server
If anything this is the poor man's werc or hugo. Because it's four lines of code, it's automatically better for sites that don't need any more complex features. You could additionally run the files through arbitrary macro processors such as cpp and m4 or a markup to html converter.


Also if you just want a simple webpage you don't even need to code it. You can literally just ask chatgpt to write the full html to your specifications


Also, static sytes generators like HUGO are a thing


If a site like neocities is taking care of the hosting, and your password is half-decent, and you aren't accepting user input on your site, then it's extremely unlikely your site will get hacked.

See also: >>25675
If you find that fine to use, great. The plus side is that they can automatically manage blog things like pagination (the page numbers at the bottom) and post tags.


whtevr method u decide on usin, share the url under this thread. if ur worried about le hackers, i'd be happy to pentest it free of charge.


I was also thinking about running my own blog. But then I realized, that I can just use leftypol to dump my schizo ramblings. This is much easier!

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