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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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restrictions for thee but not for me


the best solution would be these companies are sued into nonexistence but everyone still gets to use the tools for free


lol get fucked retard


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Why is it leftists seem to be becoming pro-copyright now?


true leftists are only in favor of copyleft and public domain


class struggle.
copyright for proles/artisans=good
copyright for capitalists=bad
to say otherwise would be like one of those people who says burgling some wageslave's house is leftist praxis because property should be abolished


the hbomberguy video probably


I'm pro-OpenAI-getting-fucked.


>copyright for proles/artisans=good
1. Artisans are capitalists.
2. Proletarians cannot own private intellectual property. If they do, then they become bourgeoisie.
>to say otherwise would be like one of those people who says burgling some wageslave's house is leftist praxis because property should be abolished
The proletariat's ultimate goal is to abolish private property, ie., capital.

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