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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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TL:DR the class of people given standing to sue for GPL violations has just been expanded beyond the copyright holders


That's cool, but my view of the SFC will always be tainted by the fact that they supported the ousting of RMS


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Does anyone here actually agree with the GPL but doesn't think it should be enforced by law as its too authoritarian.


The entire point of GPL is that its efficacy scales with how authoritarian copyright law is.


>Does anyone here actually agree with the GPL but doesn't think it should be enforced by law as its too authoritarian.
Too authoritarian compared to what? Because it was a response to the authoritarianism of proprietary software so saying that GPL is authoritarian and proprietary licenses are not is just peak hypocrisy. What else are we supposed to do in this wretched system where governments are lobbied by corpos to take away even more of our freedom? You want no authoritarian licenses then get rid of copyright altogether, anything short of it only perpetuates this corporatocratic system further. There can be no compromise, compromise only increases authoritarianism, not reduces it.

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