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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I find this board adequate for my taste same as
4chan /g and lainchan.org any other like?

yes, but I don't find you adequate for my taste so I won't tell you


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keep in mind that it has a very high level of discussion

>it has a list of books everyone there pretends to have read
oh cool, just like every other chan

Garbage list too. Here's a much better one:

Don't be mean to our naive guest plz.

Is sharty even up?

i read the kernighan & ritchie book, deep c secrets on college. i also read the tanenbaum OS book, but it was the one with dinos on it, not the one with racoons. tbh tanenbaum's covers are so cute, i just want to own one for the cover. i will never read it again lol

I have a translated copy (it was going to be discarded from a library) but it's cover is just white :<

The unix haters handbook is definitely worth a read for any linux user.

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