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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Students at the University of Waterloo discovered that their candy machines were covertly collecting facial recognition data when 'Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe' crashed.

>Surveillance tech is inescapably everywhere
What else is new

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if it has a camera assume it has facial recognition software too

What the fuck is going on in that tea machine?

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What kind of monsters are those?

The fuck is the purpose of these screens. How do you even get this idea. How many people are then involved in making this a reality. How many people do these people live with and what conversations do they have.

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>The fuck is the purpose of these screens.
>How many people are then involved in making this a reality.
The entire advertising industry
>How many people do these people live with and what conversations do they have.
I think their conversations go somewhere in the lines of:

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>hmm today I will waste huge amounts of electricity and cost the store large amounts of up-front cost in order to make it harder for the customer to view the merchandise

Lmao, they can't even bother using proper embedded OSs. This is such a common thing in my country too, holy shit.

the irony is UofW is a huge compsci nerd uni

It's the gates of Hell opening up.

oh yeah? well, did you consider CHINA? yeah didn't think so

Bourgeois bureaucracy defeats all logic and reason once again.

yea, /dev/null symlink to hell and fight the daemons

Windows doesn't have daemons though, the metaphor doesn't work that well.

What the absolute fuck

>sexy m&m lady
had to look up if theres rule 34 for m&m and there is lmao

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Did they switch back to the sexy stilhetto version because of Tucker complaining?

>a candy with legs
Damn, that's hawt.

monster hydro

To be fair, they probably don't own the machine, whatever subcontractor they hired to provide vending machines does.


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