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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What kind of advances in computer science could help programmers deal with highly rare and irregular events like leap days?

abolish calendars

Most of these bugs look like implementation issues i.e. shoddy programming ala y2k and particularly symptoms of the lack of a good time library in many environments. You can read http://naggum.no/lugm-time.html for an exhaustive treatment of the problems related to computer time.

wait until you find out about leap seconds
imo the ideal solution would be to replace our calendar with a more computer-friendly one and write an open, very detailed specification for time libraries to help developers correctly implement the actual libraries
the second best solution would be to build a massive rocket engine to decelerate the planet until we get perfect, 31536000 sec. years

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>Most of these bugs look like implementation issues i.e. bugs
Thanks for the explanation!

This but unironically.

Unix time for everything, all dates just stored as seconds from January 1st 1970.

In which timezone?

shared libraries

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Is timekeeping possible in an interplanetary civilization? What about light lag?

timekeeping on Earth is already difficult due to relativistic effects and drift. the C in UTC stands for coordinated. in other words, we simply decide what the time is. sometimes we mess up, like that time a few of years ago where we lost a couple of microseconds

that still uses a calendar for a reference point

That makes sense because that date is the beginning of time itself.

The leap days are not the fault of computer science but of how the Gregorian calendar works. It's all just legacy stuff from Chistianity, our language, our number system and our mathematic notation even were always broken, the entire world is like Windows.

The advances of technology won't help, you need a better set of standards that is going to be reinforced by every institution.

>Is timekeeping possible in an interplanetary civilization? What about light lag?
Hell yeah. But not for that reason. The main problem is that the days would be different lengths. Mars is almost identical but it would still be shifting around nonstop.

The fault of computer science (or software engineering, even) is that programmers keep making dumb shit errors like these.

Programmers are just workers, they don't actually make decisions like these, they're just doing what they're required to do.

You can still test for stuff like that, you just need to know that such a thing can happen.

Kind of funny how Star Trek completely handwaves this. Accounting for communication delays and relativistic time warp would be a fucking nightmare.

How would you make a calendar without leap days, oh euphoric anon?

anon its not the fault of our standards that the earth spins ~365,25 times for one trip around the sun

Have a quarter day every year

Eh no wait that wouldn't work lol

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