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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Does anyone have a Riseup invite for a comrade?

I don't want to use Protonshit anymore.


Riseup is being funded by Mozilla and Mozilla is being funded by Google. Riseup is a Google service.




Idek what this is but I’m suspicious


So basically this is a thing so i can get a "better email"?



jfc the state of this board


What do you mean? Don't you think it isn't fishy, that they are sponsored by BigTech? Riseup glows brighter than a thousand suns.


Looks even more dead then /edu/


It's very possible that riseup has been compromised in the past. Whatever you do, use GPG encryption for emails if you don't want anyone else reading them. But in any case I don't know if I would use email for private communication.


File: 1714810373997.jpg (44.88 KB, 744x500, web.jpg)

cock.li is open for public registration
>New accounts receive mail instantly, but are blocked from sending mail until you allow you browser to complete a proof-of-work challenge that only takes a few minutes.


cock.li is maintained by fishy alt-right people IIRC who readily collaborate with the authorities when it benefits them

Unique IPs: 7

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