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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Does anyone have a Riseup invite for a comrade?

I don't want to use Protonshit anymore.

Riseup is being funded by Mozilla and Mozilla is being funded by Google. Riseup is a Google service.


Idek what this is but I’m suspicious

So basically this is a thing so i can get a "better email"?

jfc the state of this board

What do you mean? Don't you think it isn't fishy, that they are sponsored by BigTech? Riseup glows brighter than a thousand suns.

Looks even more dead then /edu/

It's very possible that riseup has been compromised in the past. Whatever you do, use GPG encryption for emails if you don't want anyone else reading them. But in any case I don't know if I would use email for private communication.

File: 1714810373997.jpg (44.88 KB, 744x500, web.jpg)

cock.li is open for public registration
>New accounts receive mail instantly, but are blocked from sending mail until you allow you browser to complete a proof-of-work challenge that only takes a few minutes.

cock.li is maintained by fishy alt-right people IIRC who readily collaborate with the authorities when it benefits them

To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Cock occupies that overlapping space between classic amoral shitposting and nazi-adjacent shitposting. The former operates as a cover for the latter whether those are his politics or not. Politics aside, he says you shouldn't trust him and you shouldn't. Cock.li domains are frequently marked as spam or disposable, the service is unreliable, and why would you trust him anyway?

that's a cia asset
and more importantly, gpg is a thing, you don't need to trust your email server

he is just a guy, and because he is just a guy he collaborates with the authorities. the man is not going to get in trouble and say "no" to an agency for you

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