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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Saw Mental Outlaw's videos on the tor network. Thought I'd give it a try. Evidently, it is filled to the brim with exit scams and glowie pedobait. And I found it funny how Tordex/Torch admins try to justify not censoring such garbage.

>The search results on Torch are not censored because we believe trying to censor the dark web is counter productive and a waste of resources. Our philosophy is people have the right to do anything they want and live with the consequences, Torch should not decide what people do with their lives even if it’s morally wrong. We’re a search engine not your conscience.

>If you would like to advertise your hidden service please check our our advertising rates.

Yeah right, it's because of TRVE freedumbs n sheeit, it totally doesn't have anything to do with advertising scam websites to horny pedos and making money off of it.

Funny tangent aside, if there are any useful resources related to cybersec/privacy/tech on tor, please let me know. I'd like to get something useful out of it.


>Funny tangent aside, if there are any useful resources related to cybersec/privacy/tech on to
Plenty. But what do you want out of it? Are you trying to visit the same sites but throw off people who aren't actual NSA analysts? Are you trying to host services anonymously? Your threat model (and your operational procedures) determines if this tool is useful or useless.
The official Tor non-technical docs are probably what you want.


tor search engines are such a terrible fucking idea lol
>"""Mental Outlaw"""
>pepe and wojak in the thumbnail
yeah not watching, just follow this https://riseup.net/en/security/network-security/tor


also, this


I use it to obfuscate metadata related to clearnet browsing
stopped using drugs many years ago, but whenever sites like this have an onion available of course I'll use it for extra hops


It also makes your posts more anonymous (except you, you namefag) and it conserves the limited bandwidth on exit nodes because .onions don't have to use them, helping the network. Most of the middle relays have essentially unlimited bandwidth, so pumping traffic over .onions doesn't cost relay hosts as much as clearnet traffic.


mental outlaw's content is pretty solid, the memes and thumbnails he uses are catered to the only audience dumb-enough to buy his cringe merch, skiddies.


This, he's way less chinlet-brained than other soyjack YouTubers. He even supports some regulations of tech companies like whenever EU cracks on the Big Tech.

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