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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Real or hysterical? Things have already been quite bad for decades now, so…

don't Google and AT&T already give the government all their data? but sure things can always be worse

File: 1713626383129.pdf (327.56 KB, 197x255, BillThing.pdf)

Here's the bill that was proposed. It looks concerning, but that's just from these spooky scary headlines I found from searching it. I'll start to read it now and share my thoughts.

>expand the number of businesses that the US government can force to eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant
they already had this for years in the bush era on the patriot act, warrentless wiretaps were fully legal, and not indirectly forcing businesses to hand over data but actually doing it directly.

I guess this is just a return to form.

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