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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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With most phones not having a microSD slot or even an audio jack these days you'd think projects like Rockbox would be more popular but it's almost abandoned.

>no opus support yet
seems cool tho

>>no opus support yet
But opus works.

I put Rockbox on a cheap Chinese DAP. It's just kind of ugly tbh.

I just use a cheap sandisk mp3 player for music.

Love the web design for this. Sovlfvl.

This post inspired me to dig out the old ipod nano 2g I have in a drawer. I want something small with nice buttons that I can use for language drills. Rockbox consistently crashes or hangs when trying to play audio. The vanilla firmware is flawless and I would happily use it but for the fact that it requires itunes. Back in the drawer it goes. An Android phone is the lesser of two evils here and is the reason that Rockbox died a decade ago.

works on my machine

it's because music streaming completely killed dedicated audio players obviously. not only that but phones carry like 1TB ootb that's a lot more than the 256GB we were used to back in the day, so it's completely irrelevant technology. if you have specific audiofile needs and an aversion to spotify, you'd be spending your cash on a plex box and plexamp on your phone.

>phones carry like 1TB ootb
fucking which ones? all the phones with good specs have like 128-256 gigs with absolutely no room for extra storage to force you to rely on streaming and cloud garbage

>an aversion to spotify

i have an aversion to paying for stuff that can be free, thanks

like every flagship lol wdym. even dirt cheap chinese phones have 256gb storage wtf lol, i use a fucking rooted poco as a dedicated media player it was a hundred bucks and that has 256gb, it's too bad that flagships dont have additional sd card storage like that one does, i'll give you that

im not in the "first world" tbf

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