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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Join our Matrix Chat <=> IRC: #leftypol on Rizon


/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site. An eternal thank you.

I've added a guestbook and would be honored if someone from here would sign it.

Here's the URL: darigo.su

To access the guestbook, click the pokeball in the bottom right, then walk to the computer and open Netscape.

Love you leftypol


I made the guestbook in the style of an imageboard in honor of this site helping me reach my goals


Very Cool website OP 👍. Bookmarked



aw thanks. don't forget to sign the guestbook with an interesting image!


>/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site


Unique IPs: 4

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