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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What mobile browser are you using?



Adblock plus


File: 1717181024093.jpg (21.98 KB, 756x756, kiwi_browser_logo.jpg)

I don't have a phone, but i installed kiwibrowser on my grandma's tablet computer, because it supports desktop chrome addons like uBO.




for accessing I2P: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard/
for accessing Tor network: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.torproject.torbrowser/
regular browser: >>25244

are there other networks worth accessing aside from just Tor and I2P ?


link for tor browser is broken but it really is there https://support.torproject.org/tormobile/tormobile-7/


not a browser
>bsd licensed chromium fork,
>acceptable license but based on chrome which is evil
fennec from f-droid also supports extensions(firefox extensions) + doesn't annoyingly stop audio from playing when you exit the browser


Mull works bretty good.
Supports desktop firefox addons, not that they're guaranteed to work, but it lets you install them and they usualay do work within reason.
uBlock already has android support on both tho?


Why is /g/ shilling Brave so hard?


BAT token bagholders, and /pol/ had brave shills when the machine learning model for the activity upkeep bot was being trained.


What is a "activity upkeep bot" and what has this to do with a web browser?


4chan got caught running bots to keep activity from going under a certain pph and slide threads an a bump order equivelant of a shadowban.
Those upkeep bots were trained on a lot of brave shilling, so they parrot it.



The only correct answer.


>browser with an adblock built in
What JavaScript does to an mf smh.


I see, dead internet theory is indeed real.


Got caught, how exactly?


i use brave on ios because it's the only browser with a functional adblocker + it lets me listen to youtube as a background app


couldn't find source code of it, probably proprietary
the only real reason to run ios: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/mobile-vocaloid-editor/id947797108?l=en-US
I'd say it was a /thread type of answer


>fennec from f-droid also supports extensions(firefox extensions) + doesn't annoyingly stop audio from playing when you exit the browser
I remember years ago, the mobile release of firefox had a complete ui rewrite and was gimped hard in the features department (no addons, no themes, immutable mobileshit ui with mozilla.org button). Looking at it now, they only allow a curated subset of addons, so good luck getting 'thin scrollbar everywhere' installed. Fennec reenables about:config though. Maybe you can make a better browser with that.


File: 1717222176992.png (97.38 KB, 1248x443, rfirefox.png)

LMAO. The r/firefox mods are actually mad at kiwibrowser for working like a desktop browser while being a one-man project.


uhh isnt fennec terribly outdated and insecure today


it has been updated 3 weeks ago
I mean there's a reason why the package your-freedom in parabola gnu/linux-libre conflicts even with ungoogled-chromium


How are they wrong? They literally say it's outdated and disables adblocking. Those are malicious features. Chrome itself isn't a good browser for adblocking, Google pretty much kicked out all the adblockers from its add-on store.


>Google pretty much kicked out all the adblockers from its add-on store
lol manifest v3 wasn't enough


What did you expect from a company that wrote a whiny message to anyone who accesses YouTube with an adblocker? They're also trying to kill Invidious. Desperately.


>They're also trying to kill Invidious.
crawling in my skiiinnnnn, these wounds they will not heal we're gonna have to selfhost invidious aren't we?
> company that wrote a whiny message to anyone who accesses YouTube with an adblocker?
fun fact, it didn't happen in brazil, no one in brazil received that warning, possibly because of google's fear of PL2630 at the time


>we're gonna have to selfhost invidious aren't we?
Just use Piped or youtube-dl. There's also CloudTube but it's a bit limited in features. The developer of LibreX was also making a fully JS-free front-end called GNUtube but I'm not seeing it getting a full release.
>no one in brazil received that warning, possibly because of google's fear of PL2630 at the time
Based Brazil.


If you scroll this webpage really really fast this icon looks like Miku.


yep basically that, mpv with yt-dlp
hatsune miku hasn't been herself recently after kasane teto took over


>hatsune miku hasn't been herself recently after kasane teto took over
Well, good riddance, Vocaloid is proprietary software anyway.


synthesizer V is also proprietary but has native gnu/linux support, so trying out the kasane teto lite voicebank to make some covers is easy, I did a cover but it's kinda out of tune still

the only way to use kasane teto with only free software is with openutau and using any of her utau voicebanks, or other voicebanks such as adachi rei or momo momone(the one that originaly created the nyan cat song, but no one knows this except like 20 people or so)


uhm I guess I derailed the entire /tech/ board


ytfzf's ability to detect yt-dlp is broken, but if you just use it in link mode, then pop that link into mpv or yt-dlp then it's quite convenient to have.


It wouldn't matter if kiwibrowser was opera-level alt-branded spyware. It lives rent-free in the heads of the r/firefox mods, because it's on par with a desktop browser in contrast to the mobile browsers by mozilla and other corpos. See for yourself though:
>little to no work has been done on kiwi ever since the automated chromium update process was finished many months ago. github releases are on chromium 103, its probably play store shenanigans delaying/preventing the update
<Install the f-droid app store, then install ffupdater which is an app for updating certain web browsers. The preview version of Kiwi is on there.
>The Chromium browsers I know have the same system built-in to allow URLs, since in ManifestV3, all rules go first through the adblocking engine of Google (who takes the final decision).
>In Kiwi it's just hardcoded in a .cc file as it's more simple to maintain and debug, plus it's all public, compared to the other browsers.
>If you don't do that, then as a browser publisher you have to pay a ransom to 3rd-parties to have your own internal URLs not blocked.


never heard of it, it's from the same guy that made ani-cli
>but if you just use it in link mode, then pop that link into mpv or yt-dlp then it's quite convenient to have.
yep, when videos are blocked in invidious or age restricted it becomes convenient to just copy paste the link into the terminal, the quality is always maxed out so it's actually better to use mpv then regular youtube/invidious imo


I know about OpenUTAU, that's why I said Vocaloid is proprietary.


ah right, also fun fact: it's technically possible to reverse engineer hatsune miku's voicebank into UTAU to use hatsune miku with only free software but nobody in the UTAU community wants to distribute such a thing because of legal reasons or whatever


>It lives rent-free in the heads of the r/firefox mods, because it's on par with a desktop browser in contrast to the mobile browsers by mozilla and other corpos
Fair, but that doesn't mean they are wrong when it comes to adblocking. Also, you can access desktop add-ons with Firefox Beta's custom add-on collections.


Well, screw that then. Stupid copyright system, those bourgeois Japs can have it. We're gonna create our own Vocaloid. With blackjack and hookers.

It's Nintendo all over again, Jesus Christ, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THE JAPANESE!!


>It's Nintendo all over again
also the fact that hatsune miku's voicebank costs 14000円, while utau kasane teto is free in all meanings lol
>We're gonna create our own Vocaloid. With blackjack and hookers.
hell yeaa it's actually possible to create another voicebank with utau
same, I'll never forgive them nuking yuzu


I'm using Cromite right now but I'm going to switch back to Mull when I get around to it. Its mid, mull is better.


Vanadium the default GrapheneOS browser. If you're not running GrapheneOS, you're giving your info to glowies.

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