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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more


proxmox looks interesting.




thanks for the posts anon.

What does everyone think of linux certifications like Linux+, RHCSA, RHCE, etc.?


Proxmox is nice, I'd use it but I'm perfectly happy managing my VMs and containers on my server with virt-manager


New user tips

1) Start by using LiveUSB or dual-boot (use Windoze Disk Management tools to shrink a partition, reserve at least 60+GB for Linux).
2) The best beginner distros are: Kubuntu/Xubuntu, Linux Mint and EndeavourOS
3) Use Rufus to "burn" the installation iso file to your USB flash drive and reboot. Then start mashing the button that opens UEFI boot menu.
4) Learn to use the Command-line (Terminal) at https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php for free!
5) You need to know what a script or command does before you run it.
6) Read man-pages.
7) Consult ArchWiki often. It's the best Linux wiki.
8) You can find new programs at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/List_of_applications
9) I like Ratpoison! It's a manually tiling WM and it works similar to Tmux (but it manages GUI windows). However! A tiling WM is not good choice for beginners. Instead start with a full Desktop Environment like Xfce4 or KDE.



>However! A tiling WM is not good choice for beginners. Instead start with a full Desktop Environment like Xfce4 or KDE.
I think it's better to start with simple window managers, using desktop environments requires learning how to use them on top of learning to use linux. For a beginner I would rather recommend small and simple stacking window managers like icewm, jwm and openbox.


i am never going to use linux. all of the conventions of unix annoy me. the fundamental philosophy of unix annoys me. the only half-decent unix-related system is Mac OS and that's because Steve Jobs was a massive cunt who correctly insisted that every single unix related thing about it should be papered over so that nobody is aware that a good chunk of the system is actually shit.


cope and seethe
worse is better
show me your alternative and no windows is not an alternative as source leaks have showed us that windows is in fact unix-like too


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>worse is better
for a virus, yes.
>Others have noticed that Unix is evolutionarily superior to its competition, rather than technically superior. Richard P. Gabriel, in his essay “The Rise of Worse-is-Better,” expounds on this theme (see https://dreamsongs.com/RiseOfWorseIsBetter.html ). His thesis is that the Unix design philosophy requires that all design decisions err on the side of implementation simplicity, and not on the side of correctness, consistency, or completeness. He calls this the “Worse Is Better” philosophy and shows how it yields programs that are technically inferior to programs designed where correctness and consistency are paramount, but that are evolutionarily superior because they port more easily. Just like a virus. There’s nothing elegant about viruses, but they are very successful. You will probably die from one, in fact. A comforting thought.


>show me your alternative
hackintosh, windows 7. also source code leaks of windows will likely enable an open source alternative which will be leagues ahead of anything lincucks have to offer. linuxtards never learn.


>windows 7.
>also source code leaks of windows will likely enable an open source alternative which will be leagues ahead of anything lincucks have to offer.
that would be illegal. a major piece of software being developed entirely illicitly has never been done to my knowledge. it's basically piracy except with 1000x the required infrastructure and thus chance of being caught

also you're an idiot


>that would be illegal.
<linuxtard is reactionary
i am not surprised
>it's basically piracy except with 1000x the required infrastructure and thus chance of being caught
cope. try not drop the soap
<most succesful linux distros attempt to emulate win 7
also you're a linuxtard thru and thru


based unix hater gang


How does this make any sense, viruses are not ported… They could have said birds and it wouldn't change anything other than not being "scary".


Anything except for the lowest common denominator of microcomputer operating systems died with systems software research in general or is only still chugging along on legacy installations. I remember reading about a similar development in operating systems after the introduction of minicomputers, among those the genesis of unix ironically. Face it, modern unix is the best system still used for current non-trivial computing, if only because much that came after was worse and it has a lot of half-baked compatibility layers for better systems.


faggot windouche user


what's bad about unix? anyways linux isn't a perfect reproduction of unix by a long shot


BeOS was a nice modern take on a PC operating system yet HaikuOS development is so slow.


>53 years of ugly hacks in a trenchcoat kept around, supposedly for legacy/compatibility
<backwards compatibility of any meaningful program is substantially worse than Windows
>fetishise doing everything of value in the shell as cope for incompetence at GUI design
<the shell is ugly, unintuitive, inconsistent shit by the standards of CLIs, with dumb command names, inconsistent syntax, and patchy documentation saved only by the fact you can now just use google.


I agree with the overall sentiment, but xahlee is a notorious comp.lang.lisp troll and praises powershell's of all things. For a good shell syntax, look no further than plan9 rc or s6 execline. There are also alternative command sets and many replacements for single programs, like the ones the rust people keep write for no reason at all. I don't think most shell commands are necessarily bad though and find is tolerable even. The unix shell command set is relatively small and well-known, so i don't think naming should be an important consideration. As opposed to the different brackets in bash, the meaning of most commands can be clarified in the sentence on top of the manpage (cut selects parts of a line, paste collates files with a field-separator per-line).


you can replace bash
zsh and fish were linked above
python is a good scripting language as well
and if you can criticize gui design, why not make your own apps with gtk or qt?


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