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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?


Install Gentoo and enable verify-sig USE flag. This way everything you install will be checked using PGP (GnuPG).


Every block downloaded on a torrent is verified against a checksum, the only way to get malware from a torrent is to download a malicious torrent file or magnet if everything worked as it should. What was the case here? did they spread a malware that affected torrent users, tricked their users into downloading malicious torrent files or did they exploit a vulnerability on a torrent client?


> How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
Lots of ISPs are untrustworthy. Use a VPN. Or Tor. Or git gud. In today's day and age, you should be treating your local network as a hostile environment, nevermind your Internet connection.

It's an exploit targeting a garbage proprietary Korean client. Imagine Western Digital MyCloud meets Dropbox with bittorrent integration for p2p distribution. It may not be as dumb as it sounds. It's popular enough that this ISP decided to break the law to stop it on their network.


install gentoo


This seems like a uniquely South Korean issue. South Korean law allows it to happen. In the States, I imagine this is yet to emerge as an issue. DMCA claims go largely unanswered.


USA law is retroactive though. Unless the exact same situation has happened before somewhere else, it goes to court years after the alleged crime and it gets appealed over the course of a year or two too before it's decided whether precedent applies to this case.

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