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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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people need to shut the fuck up about gaming being 'easy' on linux. its not.

you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts, spending 6 hours reading poorly written documentation and blogs to try to figure out how to configure it all, only to find out that you still cant actually run the games you want. wanna install a fitgirl repack? "get fuarrrked!", says wine! "im gonna be impossible to understand and you wont be able to configure soykaf to get it working and we will never actually tell you how to fix anything that goes wrong!"
wanna play deus ex that you bought on gog? too bad! the game requires modifications to actually run properly, and you cant get it working either and good luck finding an answer to some generic error code, or even worse getting no message at all.

nothing works, nothing is explained well. all the software is like kicking dead whales down the beach. im probably gonna have to give up on games entirely with the exception of minecraft, because its the only game that actually seems to work without a bunch of effort that shouldnt be necessary to get something working.


Sounds like GUIghur issues with playonlinux or lutris. Learning how to use wine properly and keeping around a release in a stable chroot in case the next update breaks one of your games will fix most of your problems.
>with the exception of minecraft
Actually some thinks stopped working for me on the 1.5.2 release since my distro decided to remove openjdk9. Thanks James Gosling.

it's easy, just use emulationemulators are virtual machines if you didn't know and virtual machines (which you should be doing if you care about security)
>you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts
you're installing spyware, reinstall your whole distro. actually I recommend le gentoo if you want the fastest system in the world

I think it's possible if the user install a virus that virus can escape the chroot(even some are able to escape virtual machines)

maybe the safest way to use .exe/proprietary/untrusted software is inside a fully isolated chrooted (optionally airgapped) virtual machine… actually idk, would rather not run untrusted software

The problem is the virus being compatible with both Windows (guest OS) and Linux (host OS) along exploiting the VM to get out. IE a virus programed to escape from a Windows VM to Windows host is going to instead run into the host Linux having no idea what commands it is trying to run as Linux has no native support for Windows and just gibberish to Linux without Wine. This means viruses meant to escape VMs have to either be smart enough to probe the host OS to know what sub-virus to run or you have different versions of the same virus.

there's no point to virtualization since windows games still use x86_64 cpu architecture, same as any desktop linux system
wine is all that's needed because it's the windows-specific callbacks that make a windows game a windows game
for shitty triple-a games with anti-cheats that record your social security number, the only option is stomaching a windows dual-boot, or checking this https://areweanticheatyet.com/

De-bug add-ons to VMs leaves anti-cheats defenseless against hackers that know how to peek and poke the anti-cheats memory from the host and since the memory changes are being done by the host it is impossible for anti-cheat in the guest to notice something is wrong.

unfortunately not even the average linux user knows machine code


Not just a problem with video games, anything on linux is like this.

Nah that's dynamic linking, glibc, gcc6+ and mandatory /usr on root partition, the holy trinity of soy/linux.

Professional cheaters goes through the trouble of using DMA cards so another computer can overwrite the memory address at the bus level of the computer running the game via a serial connection. So deciphering raw memory while a dark art is not unknown.

just be smarter lol

>you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts,
I use a full desktop environment rather than trying to make the whole thing from scratch with a just window manager.
Every game I've tried playing on NixOS with KDE either had native linux support or ran with steam-run. Worse case scenerio you gotta add as non-steam game and change the target to the .exe of the game after running an installer, as I did for Zenless Zone Zero.

it does just work for me lol. the only thing that doesn't is when the devs check the box on EAC that says reject Linux, and even then it works you just cant connect to certain servers

>dynamic linking
flatpak, or appimage

windowsbros im tired of winning… DAMN THAT PUSSY NICE!

>there's no point to virtualization
I refuse to install wine and execute an .exe. vms all the way for me

but in actuality u just got mental retardation from sex and half of your salary and time gone to a leechwoman and everyone is laughing at your gaslit servitude

>you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts
That's just what being a Sonic/Skyrim/Doom/GTA/Minecraft/GMod fan is like anyway. We like doing this, it is therapeutic.

>you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=9999 status=progress

You forgot "sudo." 😉

>installing random scripts/software
 nuke ur pc if u actually did that

I don't have sudo installed nor doas, I always use
su –command="echo echo" or su - root. I just use the root account instead

>install lutris and steam through flatpak
that's literally all you need to play games on linux
just run cracked windows games inside lutris and get native ports of games here https://rutracker.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=1992 if you don't want to pay

I mean
 su --command="neofetch"

I doubt everything from rutracker is safe

>installs game on steam
>runs through proton
>it works fine

if the files had some form of malware people would be screaming about it in the forum

true, would just need to translate russian. still, there would be a slight chance of nobody noticing the malware

Average open source fan explaining how to get your favourite game to work on Linux

Why not Demonoid?

Ok consolefag.

never heard of it

I mean we could just explain everything and teach everything, but gamers don't want that

You're right, I wanna just install and play

it's not necessary to install a game to play it on gnu/linux, and it is quite an unnecessary security risk. keeping it in the downloads folder or another folder is enough

OP's starting post is an exact copy of a year-old thread from Lainchan.


lel busted. Why are we getting all these anti linux threads last couple months?

>Why are we getting all these anti linux threads last couple months?

It is easy when you got some more experience using Linux like LMDE or else.

As for installing Deus Ex via a GOG installer? Literally use the latest version of Wine Staging, and make sure you have winetricks to also install the necessary components, dlls and language fonts or whatever it is called.

You can first use wine staging to run the installer and install the game, where then you use steam proton's 9.0* stable and run the actual game itself.

or if youwho? don't want wine to bloat the system I recommend using a vm

With windows 10/11/7 enterprise(best version) or any other gnu/linux distro with wine, just to avoid bloat

>all the software is like kicking dead whales down the beach.
That proves that you have copy+paste'd the whole post from L*inchan…

Troubleshooting these things is more fun than most of the games.

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