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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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> exe

>can you as a free-time maintainer compile and package your software for the hundred different operating system versions out there because I'm too retarded to run a single command?
no, I can't

>hundred different operating system
only windows matters
stop using linux to be different

>hundred different operating system
only linux matters
stop using windows to be different

take it down a notch, they're gonna notice

>only windows matt-AAAAACCKK

Anti-linux faggots are reactionary nazis

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noo there are letters and numbers on the screen it's so scary!! mommy come pick me up!

as a programmer and linux user myself i hate the rest of stemcels and leftoids pretending what you install makes you revolutionary but this is just a karen demanding to talk to the manager lmao

    ssid="Wifi Name"

to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, then start wpa_supplicant and your dhcp client
>web browser
all modern web browsers suck
alsa dmix just werks. at most you have to set pcm.!default and ctl.!default to your desired soundcard in /etc/asound.conf

Just compile the exe for windows users and let the linux users compile their own version. It's literally in the interests of the developer to do this because it will significantly grow the number of people able to use what they made, with minimal cost and no other real downside.

Linuxfags are delusional to believe they can be a meaningful alternative to microshit while simultaneously gatekeeping like this.
MS is shitting the bed with win11 right now but linuxfags would rather engage in these borderline self-harm rituals than actually do anything to disrupt proprietary software.

Windows users are a burden. It's not in the interests of the developer to have them.

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bro man up or find an alternative its not that complicated

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>please can I have a fucking exe?

It's not their job. They do it for free.

<try to fix a windows problem

>windows + R, msslfmsgfqq.msvc

>add to PATH
>run 7 commands in succession
>open the registry
>download this script and run it with these 3 flags
>use chocolatey
>use WSL

>windows doesn't make you use the terminal


<Trying to own the penguis by post memes out of date by 15 years

Compiling for windows is a pain in the ass, even from windows

Used to use it but it has been superceded by winget

Unironically. Release your software. Not everyone, including devs, wants to spend a bazillion hour compiling your software

>intricacies of programming
knowing like 3 basic shell commands isnt that hard
anyways, releases page with executable appimage is the solution for ppl who dont like typing ig

>loonix users are based af h4x0rz
thank you fellow boardfag

>knowing like 3 basic shell commands isnt that hard

it's something 90% of end users won't know how to do

they will when their normie boss tells them to or when they really want to play some shitty game that is giving them driver problems.
normies like to act the cunt towards people without any power over them but will fall into obsequious toady behaviour in front of anyone who they perceive as being socially higher, like a boss, or a corporate organization and will learn not 3 but 60 commands of whatever type when being told to by the "right people"

I mean yeah if you REALLY need to do something, then you might learn how to do it, but why not just use the easiest option in the first place. There's plenty of people who won't be able to figure it out even then and just tell their boss they can't do it or accept they'll never play that game

I just use my package manager.

If you pay me 20€ an hour with the standard benefits to compile shit all day I'll gladly start next monday boss

unironically based, the release tab is always empty, even as someone that knows how to compile shit i dont like to

+ github actions can do it automatically for you


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>released only as a nix flake

Best I can do is .deb

./configure && make && make install

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