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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>wired ethernet only
>handheld devices offline/limited internet
>torrents and physical media no streaming
>flip phone
>internet limited to household
>video games backed up to hard drive offline no steam, ubisoft, etc
>videos, podcasts, etc stored for offline use
>use offline programs
>use a regular home phone
>music on a CD or desktop
>no internal battery shit

Obviously impossible to do especially all at once but I do a little bit at a time.

This thread is for younger generation chads only and older no zoomers

Im trying to limit my online presence in normalfaggot websites. A lot of the things you mention Ive done my whole life, like the torrents and physical media bit (and for the little streaming Ive done, I ripped a lot of things), and this naturally leads to the next point - games offline. Media in general, really.

>limit yourself over my vague morals over technology
Lol. Using cheap shit is not a choice to most people.

Let's not deceive ourselves. Most posters on this board aren't third world proles who got a ShengFui69+B through their call plan. They do have the choice to pay for a cheap mp3 player, a proper laptop and a landline plan instead of the newest iphone.

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