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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Recently my asshole father installed a bunch of cameras all over the house, after a sleepless night where he threatened to kick me out and accused me of stealing his iphone and razor. So it was either cameras or a homeless shelter. With how little privacy I have now (I used to cook food and talk to myself for hours in the kitchen, dont feel comfortable doing that anymore with big brother watching), this got me thinking about all of those unprotected security cameras that anyone can easily figure out the passwords to, and play creepy sounds/noise music to mess with people. I'm seriously considering doing this to scare the fuarrrk out of him nonstop so he'll return them.

Does anyone still dabble in this sport? I'm assuming the same methods of finding ip cameras still apply.

The ones with mike control are commercial expensive and generally old.

Uh you should probably get help from the authorities instead of trying to make the situation worst

Alot of parents want to put GPS trackers on their kids but then want to ban them from having social media accounts due to "privacy" concerns

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Did he find his phone and shaving equipment? I can't imagine my parents installing cameras in the home. I wouldn't do that either. That's FUCKED UP.

What comic is that again.

Also get out

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