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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I'm here so you guys scream at me to try to convince me to use anything but a noobuntu distro.

After support for W10 ends I'm switching my 14 years old home desktop computer into something a bit more recent, and I'm genuinely considering using GNU+Linux as my "main driver" as kids say nowadays.

I have a lot of experience using Mint as that was my distro of choice for nearly 14 months, I think Cinnamon is an eyesore but otherwise it just werks and I could do almost everything I wanted to do except running Game Maker Studio 2 which is only available on Ubuntu according to the devs.

I'm considering using Kubuntu since KDE Plasma looks sick and it's basically Ubuntu so I can consoom my noob gamedev kit in peace.

As an addendum I hate "rolling distros". Manjaro is an abomination where things just werk against you if you're not a giga turbonerd who's on the computer 24/7 and derives sexual pleasure from fixing tech issues.

why not just use standard ubuntu desktop? i've used tons of distros, the longest i've used where opensuse (both leap and tumbleweed), fedora workstation, and ubuntu. ubuntu has noticible issues, but its still the best.

I like how KDE Plasma looks and feels and Kubuntu is primarily geared towards it.
I'm aware that I can just install the DE on standard Ubuntu but then again why not go for the ubuntu version that's built around it?

I remember ubuntu broke a lot when I used it. Enough so I didn't notice much of a stability difference when I went to arch.
NixOS hasn't broke on me once.

NixOS has a few DE's to choose from in it's installer, including Plasma.

thats true, i was just wondering if there was a specific reason to avoid the default/gnome desktop. anyways, i support your argument for using kubuntu, im personally not a superfan of kde, but of all the kde-first distros i've used i think kubuntu definitely was the best, tumbleweed is also good BUT it's rolling and if you have any problems it'll likely be a technical nightmare to fix, i haven't used fedora kde much myself but its supposedly good for kde. just avoid kde neon like the plague, its a stable ubuntu base, but still a broken mess last time i checked.

I quickly checked out NixOS. Seems a bit more complex than I'd like tbh, and my time with Memejaro really soured me on rolling release distros.
What would I win if I use it over (K)Ubuntu?

Thank you for your input.
Fedora was the other option I was eyeing for KDE but it's rolling release and I'm traumatized lol.
Third option is just use Mint like I've been doing until now, Cinnamon is ugly but it's not <<that>> bad.

What do you guys think about Canonical? Can they be trusted to not fuck our shit up?

I assume that you tried running Game Maker studio on Mint and it failed? The devs mightve said its only on Ubuntu, but Mint IS Ubuntu so I dont see why it wouldnt work.

That aside, I think youll be alright with Kubuntu. KDE goes through some growing pain phases ocasionally but its very versatile, and so is the Ubuntu base. Bonus points for being more insulated from Canonical's stupidity since youre in a spinoff

Ah well NixOS has a stable and rolling version, I use the stable one.

Honestly with how I use NixOS it's not too different, I install a few programs and update occasionally, but instead of having to make an install script everything is already listed in configuration.nix, so if you need to reinstall you just pop that config where it goes, rebuild, and everything's how it was.

Appearently it's more secure since everything's containerized, I haven't noticed much different as a user, other than needing a program called appimage-run to run appimages.

I did try GMS2 on Mint a bunch of times and it failed without an error message - the worst kind of error.
Granted, that was eons ago in like 2018 but the devs still appear to be pretty insistent on it being Ubuntu only.

Oh it has a stable release too? I'll take a deeper look at it I guess.

>I'm considering using Kubuntu
It's a good choice if it works for you. It's free software, after all.

>I'm here so you guys scream at me to try to convince me to use anything but a noobuntu distro.
Proprietary blobs aside, if noobuntu is comfortable to you then by all means use it. I don't want you to suffer as you try to use GNU+Linux, the experience of using it should be more fun and enjoyable than using Windows. If using a more advanced distro is not for you that's okay, you are still /ourguy/. We can be like one big family.

I liked xubuntu. Simple and lightweight

Kubuntu is a pretty decent choice, anon.

I mean as a daily driver you'd want to use a stable distro anyway.

>>28156 (me)
Ah, I forgot how the devs sneaked in Amazon search inside Ubuntu so the OS was sending all your search data to Amazon. For that reason I recommend sticking with Linux Mint Debian Edition.

LMDE is also solid.

If OP wants to avoid snaps he can just install KDE on linux mint and use it instead of the regular DE

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