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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Who the fuck was it that says Lunduke was a good guy? He's a rightoid now which I already knew due to his petit bourgeois class status and that debate with Stallman on free software.

Now all his videos are about h1b and discrimination against whites and pronouns and shit.

Feels good to be vindicated as opposed to the people on /tech/ who said hes a good guy or whatevr.

>the people on /tech/
Ah, THE people one /tech/. All of them. Every single one of them. We are the hivemind, we all agree on everything and DON'T start bullshit arguments by making new threads EVERY FUCKING DAY.

it was a poster here but obviously i dont know which one

here it is, read the comments ITT: >>23967

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>Now all his videos are about h1b and discrimination against whites and pronouns and shit.

const time_t right_once;

H1B visaholders are educated professionals who make 6-figure salaries, favouring them means favoring one section of the middle class over another. It has absolutely nothing to do with communism in any sense. This is entirely a case of infighting between two sections of the PB, one consisting of immigrants versus one that is older and well-established but failing to compete.

Just typical PB whining about a vague "billionaires", but leftoids will clap at populist rhetoric instead of scientific statements.

>H1B visaholders are educated professionals who make 6-figure salaries
fair enough. in general radical succdem man is right about immigration driving down wages though.

you speak as if it matters for communists to appeal to fucking Silicon Valley lol

deskilling/despecialisation and increasing workloads on existing staff is something all companies strive to do, it has nothing to do with socialism

>Are There Any Non-Woke Operating Systems?
He probably said it's that Christfag schizo nonsense called TempleOS.

>Who the fuck was it that says Lunduke was a good guy?
That was one guy who kept shilling insane /g/tubers who, aside from Luke Smith, all have vaguely lefty sounding ways of pitching their lolbert/tradcath nonsense, especially Mental Outlaw and Lunduke.
>He's a rightoid now
He already was
>debate with Stallman on free software.
Debatebros are, without any exceptions I've seen yet, reactionaries or really naive libs.

Generally I just avoid people that feel the need to film their face while delivering their opinion. If they can't
- pick or make a talksprite, even a rough one, if they must embody their voice
- just show the thing they're talking about on screen
- use a speedpaint timelapse or gameplay if they don't want to do the above
- justify making it a video in the first place
- think about the ramifications of normalizing face reveal / selfie culture online, or have in fact weighed it against their motivations to show their face and chose to do so anyway.

They aren't worth listening to.

>think about the ramifications of normalizing face reveal / selfie culture online
People use Zoom and TikTok unironically and you expect them to think about that?

>H1B visaholders are educated professionals
>who make 6-figure salaries
in rupees maybe, there's a big financial reason they're moving to the states
>PB infighting
ackshyually it's tech PB getting replaced by labor aristocrats from abroad
it's proletarianization which has a lot to do with communism in many senses

Well both of those are ramifications. They exist because it's been normalized, and thus the problem sustains itself.

software devs aren't PB. But Lunduke, specifically is. He owned his own software company for a while

>He owned his own software company for a while
Did this company produce proprietary software?

it did. until he got bullied into making it open source and then it went out of business and he was forced to get a real job and he blamed the open source community for it which is why he raged at stallman

Lunduke discovering the reality of small business under capitalism for the first time.

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