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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Why isn't the invasion of manchuria ever talked about?
It's easily in the running for one of the greatest feats of warfare ever executed as it was instrumental in the Japanese surrender, yet overshadowed by the enola gay.


Because it would cast the Soviet Union in good light.


the red army between 1917-1953 was literally a modern age of heroes and it's extremely underrated tbh


What are some books where I can read about the strategies, operations and tactics of the Red Army without being bombarded by "not one step back" glowie propaganda?


The WW2 /edu/ thread contains good stuff, but to be honest the only complete picture of the Red Army Tactics of the war are going to be in Russian (soviet) literature.


Embedding error.
>Why isn't the invasion of manchuria ever talked about in the West?
FTFY, Manchuria and its conflicts are not forgotten in the former USSR
>overshadowed by the enola gay
You've answered your query; it isn't politically expedient for the American people to know that Japan's surrender (and in fact the reason they never attacked the USSR at all) is due to numerous defeats at Soviet hands, specifically Khalkin Gol and "Operation August Storm". On the latter I have a pdf on it that I'll post later.


Glantz wrote a good book on Manchuria


File: 1645438804872.pdf (9 MB, 184x255, Glantz-lp8.pdf)

Looks pretty good, thanks dude
Posting for everyone else


I mean, yea, that was quite an impressive feat of the red army, and the reason why the japanese surrendered.
But the Enola gay and the other nuke were fucking nukes, the literal two times were nuclear weapons were used. Like, I know it isn't that fair, but the nukes is possibly the more destructive thing ever made and they were dropped unto the civilian population destroying an entire city with just one bomb.
I mean, you could talk about how the dinosaurs became extinc because of their monstrous size requiring tons of food and so on and that we're destined to become extinct sooner or later, but people talk about the meteorite because it was a fucking meteorite.

Also it might be the reason why there aren't any alien civilizations out there, since the earliest space opera technology bullshit available to civilizations are literally nukes with the power to destroy civilization.


Japanese sent surrender requests mutliple times before the nukes were dropped, the firebombing of Tokyo and other cities were way more devastating than the nuclear bombs when it came to civilian casualties.

The bombs were dropped so the US military could use their new toy they wasted so much budget on. Could you imagine the embarassment? Japan gains a conditional surrender and the whole Manhattan project was just a gigantic waste of money? It's worse when you consider the Japanese surrender terms, which are the same that the US occupation authorities granted to Japan, which were:

Let the emperor stay as ceremonial head of state,
Let the Japanese war criminals off the hook and
Accept Japanese overseas claims on some islands

Then there was the problem that the US had only fissile material for only three bombs, only uranium and two plutonium, and all three were used in the end, one test and two detonations over civilian cities with no military importance, which shows that it was rushed to be used.

Thankfully the Soviets finished their invasion of Manchuria at that point, or else there would've been an American occupied northeastern China in the worst case or the whole Korean peninsula under US hegemony.

Talking about the Soviets, the bombs were also used as a threat against them, in a grand showcase that the psychopathic US was ready to mass murder their enemies and poison the land with fallout for millions of years to come.

Your other point about the Fermi Paradox, it's more likely that we are the first, there is a serious lack of radio waves trashing through the universe, but nukes are a dangerous great filter. Let's see if the USA can step down without taking the whole world with them.




He's right.

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