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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Boots or sneakers?


Depends on your environment and what you're doing. Either way if you are at risk of rolling your ankles like in a combat scenario than wrap your lases around your heel and back (there is often a little flap at the back to thread them through) before you tie to offer some greater support




boots from a purely aesthetic perspective
i still see them greatly used by military
with terrorists its more 50/50


both? completely dependent on situation, fit and preference.


khadyrov looks like such a retard in that pic lol those boots look like dogshit, he couldn't more obviously be a fat old man trying his best to look like a cool operator.
anyways uh, proper boots (~3lbs) if you're carrying loads of 30lbs or more, light boots(high top hiking shoes) if you're carrying 15-30lbs, trail runners for anything below that. Optionally substitute trail runners for light boots if you're on flat and well-packed terrain. Do not consider not wearing some form of boot if you are carrying a pack of above 15 pounds anywhere with loose rock, you might think you can control it but fatigue is a bitch on fine muscle control and loose small rocks can trick you by looking more stable than they are - you don't want a rolled ankle 10 miles in to anywhere. get a modern boot, should cost you about $130-$150, buy once, cry once, take care of them.

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