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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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How do people here feel about air guns?
Are they good for self defence? or offense?

There's a guy on fosscad who made his own with more power than ones sold over the counter
Free download I think

File: 1651957829267-1.gif (85.88 KB, 719x381, caselboy.gif)

File: 1651957829267-2.pdf (33.08 MB, 180x255, caselman-thg.pdf)

I just have a break action air rifle. I've mounted a red dot on it, will give that a try soonish

I see one of the comments mentions Caselman's air machine gun. I found the plans for it at https://thehomegunsmith.com/CaselmanAPMG.shtml . attached pdf related for posterity
here's another build of it: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/05/02/32-cal-caselman-air-powered-machine-gun/
another build: https://www.airmachinegun.com/caselman_build.htm

vid and gif related are someone who built a more compact design that fires round BBs. relevant forum post: https://www.spudfiles.com/viewtopic.php?p=386263#p386263

I have the pellet gun in the op, american classic. it is the only pellet gun i own at the moment (but i've used others).

that thing on a full pump will hurt. close enough it'll puncture the skin. a point blank shot to the skull will penetrate it. i don't think it'll go in far and i'm 100% positive they will live.

so defensive i would say the site of a pistol or w/e might deter some people, offensively i would say you better be a good aim and hit them in the eye

story time

i got my dogs thanksgiving dinner one nov that way. they cornered a possum and i grabbed the American Classic and put one in its skull point blank. it lived. did it again. and it continued with its living… i felt bad, don't get me wrong. who woulda thought it would have lived a point blank shot to the head.

Thats why you keep some cheap 22. by your side for the purposes of pest control. The cheapest option in the US would probably be some single shot "daughters first gun" bolt action but i cant speak from expeeience as im a nogunz at the moment

They aren't that strong but I've heard that competitive shooters use airsoft replicas of guns they have so they can practice handling indoors since they're basically silent. Also it's good for iron sights training.

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