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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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I'm in Ohio, and I'm going to pride with my family. I'm worried about shit like idaho happening where I'm going. shitheads pictured

former military, but it's been a bit since I've shot. do plan on shooting again and familiarizing myself again.

Ohio allows concealed pistols now with no license

what should I buy?

money is not a major concern, was thinking about shit like ruger 9mm ofc. may also go with an ar15 as it's easy to find.

The problem with an AR tho is that it'll freak out the normies carrying it openly.

Get a 92 compact or an AR. You'll be surprised how quickly the muscle memory comes back.

Also don't bring a rifle unless you want to look like a sperg.

and freak ppl out


Yea was thinking about just going ar. the whole point of this is to be armed for pride in my backwater shithole so getting an ar just to lock it up for pride is dumb.

So was just thinking about getting a smaller handgun, which I had as a side arm when I was in. so I should be good, just want something smaller then I had when I was in.

I'll just go with a compact 9mm and conceal I think.

probably a good idea

Don't, you'd only shoot yourself with that

File: 1655248199912-0.jpg (Spoiler Image,765.79 KB, 1760x1730, the classic.jpg)

File: 1655248199912-1.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.87 KB, 1376x915, imagine being killed by th….jpg)

Bring this.
Open carry.

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