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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Check out the new Rheinmetall tank, it has the new 130mm L51 cannon https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/vb9awg/new_rheinmetall_kf51_tank_equipped_with_130mm/


LMAO they've been talking about that 130mm canon for years on end, yet another demo gun on a "next gen tank" that isn't going to reach production anytime soon because it is BEYOND cost-prohibitive, it's unfeasible in the current economic climate.


I should've clarified, this isn't actually a "new" tank; the only thing that is new is the turret and the cannon, but it's mounted on a Leo2A4 chassis. The new tank will eventually have a new chassis.


the good: down in weight, up in speed, more armor and defense gadgets, auto-loader, it looks fierce
the bad: meme gun , even bigger turret (soon it'll be as big as the lower half)

The bigger gun means less ammo, and it means overhauling logistics, this is design for profit, not design for combat. It makes all the old stuff incompatible and that causes more military contracts down the line. To justify a huge tube you have to make it do artillery trajectories as well. IMHO the real scifi move is to pack more energy into a smaller projectile.

It's also a software defined tank, so this could mean it's super flexible, or proprietary software hell that makes soldiers download a software-crack so that they can enable all the features of the tank. When circumventing DRM means life.

It's got drone stuff too i don't really have much of an opinion on that, the reconnaissance stuff makes sense, drone weapons however are long range and they could just be loaded into a normal truck, long range stuff doesn't need armor or a tracked vehicle.


Looks kinda goofy

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