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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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what are some lesser known leftists guerilla/insurgent groups that you feel more people should know about it. . I was recently learning about the Dalforce, an insurgent group created the battle of Singapore, primarily made up of local chinese men who were members of various leftists parties, at most they had a month of training(at best) but mostly trained under armed a week, armed with machetes, shothuns and old hunting rifels, the resisted the Japanese and fought them up close, it was a doomed effort and they had a high causality rate but they fought till the end

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Japanese Red Army, whose leader just got out of jail.

don't know how to feel about those guys, cause they made some really stupid decisions that got them either arrested or killed

yeah i'm not a big fan either I just figured they satisfied the thread's criteria

Black Guerrilla Family
Tankie Black Power prison group turned unhinged prison gang that whacked George Jackson's (one of their co-founders) lawyer and Huey Newton
They made the SLA look sane
They just move drugs and other petty criminal shit now

happened to the Shining Path as well, they just became drug traffickers in their last stages

you think that's bad, read up the Squamish Five
>were a group of self-styled "urban guerrillas" active in Canada during the early 1980s
>The group's first action was in 1982: vandalizing the British Columbia Ministry of Environment offices.[2] They began training with stolen weapons in a deserted area north of Vancouver and stole a large cache of dynamite belonging to the Department of Highways.[3]

They bomber some shops and stores, got arrested and were declared as revolutionary martys and heroes

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