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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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You are now chief of security for your dumbass org meetings.

How do you defend from inevitable fascist attacks?

hard mode: legal in your country


Guard on the outside or the periphery of the event who can give early warning. Web crawler who can gather intelligence on fascist plans. One or two big tear gel sprayers and blunt weapons, ideally concealed (flags, telescopic batons). People in the meeting have to be aware of the procedure in case of an attack, avoid panic, be able to efficiently retaliate. Know other groups near so you can call for help, know media journos so you can call them when it's over and spin the story your way, know lawyers so you have options if anyone gets seriously hurt or the police gets involved.


Confidentiality and home meetings: Homes enable private controlled spaces that can be configured to your needs. Homes can also be targets. People pulling up in front of your house is bad if you are being targeted.

Computing: Use a 400 Dell Optiplex like system offline with no wifi and no Bluetooth. This protects against attacks with real air gaped systems.

Team size: Teams are 2 people to 5 people max including yourself.

Security from physical attacks: Defense is mostly about perimeter security and active defense upon breach. You can only defend so much without fencing and razor wire. This fencing and razor wire makes you a target.

Guidance from the pros: https://www.dni.gov/files/Governance/IC-Tech-Specs-for-Const-and-Mgmt-of-SCIFs-v15.pdf

The legal question: Build all you want. Train in defense all you want. If you defend yourself, the state will still target you. Now what? Defend yourself from an attacker, but now Police kill you in a raid.


>Web crawler
I'd assume you'd need more active than crawling, like an infiltrator (see: Patriot Front and other leaks published by unicorn riot). It's not going to be some public online announcement.
Like, on the walls?

>People in the meeting have to be aware of the procedure in case of an attack, avoid panic, be able to efficiently retaliate. Know other groups near so you can call for help, know media journos so you can call them when it's over and spin the story your way, know lawyers so you have options if anyone gets seriously hurt or the police gets involved.



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Infosec varies from enemy group to enemy group. A mole is good, but it's sometimes possible to pick up some chatter in pubic forums like facebook groups. If there is an antifascist org near you it's also nice to know them so they can share intel.
Flags like, it's a flag, but attached to a relatively thick wooden stick, like picrel (banana for scale and because those are good for you). As a weapon it offers some degree of plausible deniability.




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>Flags like, it's a flag, but attached to a relatively thick wooden stick
like the ones our Greek comrades like to carry in the front rears of their demonstrations
as you can see they're also big into motorcycling


fashoids will never attack an org meeting cause they are opportunistic druggies ,they will either muster forces and attack an antifascist rally in hopes of coming out of it as the victims or a random girl handing out leaflets putting up posters , you will very rarely get into a pre planned fight with a fasch

Security:put up a large guy or two in the door ,same thing in a public meeting make sure you have enough guys to defend yourself and lookouts


My first thought will be to evaluate the risks, and prepare defense against the most plausible ones.
Why would fascists be the first one to attack?
I would think the government would be, that's how it rolls here anyway.


Flag is too large


No trespassing sign on the barn. My neighbors may be reactionary hicks but they respect property rights, by god.

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