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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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>Keith Thomas Kinnunen - 2 dead (shooter was fatally shot by a parishioner) (2019)
>Jonathan Sapirman - 3 dead, 2 wounded (fatally shot by an armed civilian after popping off over 20 rounds) (2022)
>Aaron Howard - 1 wounded (harassed a father and son after confronting them in their own driveway in a dispute over him putting mattresses in their dumpster (which he claimed was an alley) and was stupid enough to bring a baseball bat to a gunfight and got killed for it - two shots from a handgun that hit him in the chest, another two shots from a pump-action shotgun that mangled his head, with the father being lightly injured after being hit with a baaeball bat that Howard threw at him). (2018)

Now if only more mass shootings were like this and the dumbass gunman decides to fuck with some armed guards, then they might fuck up somewhere else. But this isn't the case because the US government stages shit like this. The only place where a mass shooter can succeed is in a gun-free zone. But instead you hear of nothing but these coward blacklists.

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