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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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>At roughly $127, the Cobra Arms Freedom . 380 was the least-expensive newly manufactured firearm in the US today. The pistol is wholly made and assembled in the USA (Utah), and each one comes with a lifetime warranty that follows the gun from owner to owner.
Why arent ameicans giving these to homeless people? You could drop off these and ammo on different spot for safety. Why are communists not arming the most desperate proletarians in america when its legal? Suburban kids wont do shit they never will but these people have nothing to lose.


what exactly do you hope would happen from this


>dubs for this shit
>Why arent ameicans giving these to homeless people?
<Just give the homeless people the thing they need most! No, not a place to live, a GUN! Mental health checks? Nah… Suicide, armed robbery n drugs? What's that?!
Are you trolling or retarded? Or perhaps you've never seen a homeless person in that ivory tower of yours?
>these people have nothing to lose.
And you think that their first course of action isn't to commit crime but begin a revolution? You realize that's not how revolutions & revolutionaries work yes?




you could print a better firearm for much cheaper


Looks like a Saturday night special, will it blow up in your hand? Cause I'd have one if it won't.


that's ridiculous OP. you should give them shotguns instead


There's probably no warranty anymore because a good number of these zinc alloy (zamak?) pistol manufacturers were up to shady shit like gun running lmao


would it be possible to make a gun out of just zamak and plastic?


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this is basiclaly how mao and stalin accomplished there revolutions, handing guns to the worst off in society; it is the most basic way forward, provide guns to those who cant defend themselves


>stalin's revolution
Which one would that be lmao


clearly this is a fed post. sage.


Yes. Or plastic and about a million easy to aquire steel or aluminum solutions that would work better. Or high temperature, high strength plastics like PEEK I think might work for a decent barrel.


oh yeah I've used PEEK for some stuff and it seems strong enough to handle lower pressure cartridges. main problem is that it doesn't do high temperatures


>main problem is that it doesn't do high temperatures
Yeah. Could the interior be coated with a less heat sensitive material somehow? I guess in the end you would run into the same problems as with more traditional materials, with overheating of the barrel causing warp.
Not sure what the most accessible material for a decent barrel would be. Perhaps casting or using electrolysis to rifle a suitable piece of steel?

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