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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Take a tin can, take an airbag inflator w/ sodium azide in it for the shock-sensitive primary explosive and either Guanidinium nitrate w/ an oxidizer (like copper nitrate) or Ammonium nitrate to surround it in to act as the secondary explosive (optionally you could instead use a mixture of potassium nitrate and silicon dioxide to send hot particles flying everywhere to make the reaction retain heat. Then just add a wooden dowel from a broom handle for the grip, and after that's all attached, drop it from a height and watch it explode as it lands on the bottom (you could add some kind of weight to it optionally). Also, I've experimented with the idea of using compressed helium or argon-helium mixtures for the explossive as opposed to a chemical explosive propellant that you can put in a gun. You could possibly wire a car's airbag alarm sensor as a detonator for a bomb as opposed to an impact-activated grenade and make it remotely detonated for you to activate it.

R8 my weapons.


>a shock sensitive explosive to set off a bomb
OP that's retarded
anyway here's my idea:
>put TCCA in a PET bottle
>insert a sealed test tube with HCl in the bottle
>add a spring loaded spike or whatever to break the test tube when desired
>when activated, Cl2 will build up in the bottle until it bursts
you now have something that'll cause concussion/hearing damage, throw plastic shrapnel around and also functions as a chemical weapon. hooray!


Hexamannitol nitrate is rather easy to make


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Fuel: Take an old beer bottle. Fill it up with gasoline, some paint thinner for good measure and a sprinkle of manganese.
It's less hassle to use a slow burning match or some equivalent, and a soaked rag has greater potential to spread the fire to unwanted places plus makes the bottle less aerodynamic and harder to aim.

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