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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Picsrel (top to bottom):


>reconnaissance drones (these are quadcopter drones used for aerial filming that were disguised as toys)
>unmanned submarines that operate autonomously and navigate using GPS
>"ayyash" missiles (made from metal pipes leftover after the zionists got kicked out of Gaza, some warheads lifted from a WWI-era sunken British naval ship and a fuel engine w/ pumps that has a range of over 200km and can hit anywhere in Israel)

Is this the final intifada? Are they capble of ever standing a chance against Israel?


Nobody outguns American backed states.
Every strike just means Israel strikes 2 times more.


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Well they're using it now to great effect. They must have preparing this assault for some time. Pic rel was one of the Merkava tanks taken out and the Hezbollah fighters were seen using RPG-7s with tandem-HEAT warheads, which is likely the culprit that took it out.

Hamas is clearly a result of Western foreign policy backfiring, and the retaliatory JDAM strikes of Israel's F-16s on civilian high-rises in the Gaza strip are only more proof.


Source of some of the weaponry



How's the burger escapade in the Ukraine going?


United States' involvement in Ukraine has primarily been in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, in line with international law. The U.S. provided diplomatic support, humanitarian aid, and non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine in response to Russia's actions. This support was aimed at helping Ukraine defend itself and pursue a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
the events in Ukraine were not initiated by the United States but were the result of Russia's actions. Russia's annexation of Crimea and support for separatist movements in Eastern Ukraine violated Ukraine's territorial integrity and led to the ongoing conflict. The U.S. and its allies have been working in concert with international organizations to find a peaceful resolution and uphold Ukraine's right to self-determination.


Lol, bot?


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Looks like ChatGPT generated.


lol, retard


It appears the drone dropped a HEAT warhead that struck the frontal portion which is where the engine block is, that's why there's fire pouring out of the side; it's coming out of the exhaust port. Likely it impacted a fuel tank or the fuel injector.

Clearly HAMAS has been learning from the Russia-Ukraine use of drones.


They captured a ton of armor including Namer APCs and Merkavas of different makes from the older M-II to the newest M-IV.


It's interesting to note that this means the Trophy APS is vulnerable to drones.


Any reports of HAMAS taking out IDF aircraft?


It's a stale mate that won't end anywhere in the near or mid future thanks to all the weaponry and resources Ukraine is getting from NATO


So is HAMAS more successful this time because they got stolen weapons Biden dumped in Ukraine?

Why do they put a 'V' on their tanks too?


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It's a grouping marker pic rel
The V marking is to show to which squadron the vehicle belong

Up = Alpha squadron

Right = Bravo squadron

Left = Charlie squadron

Down = Delta squadron


>made 65 years ago
>still pounding imperialists to this day
how is the RPG-7 so based


>how is the RPG-7 so based
It's peak weapon design, like the AK. Simple as fuck, easy to repair and use, no extra nonsense, literally just place the rocket into the tube, aim and pull the trigger.


>🇱🇧🇮🇱🚨‼️BREAKING: Hezbollah destroyed an IDF M113 on the border of Lebanon and Israel


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A post by Starina on youtube brought pic rel to my attention. The Merkava's quickly adapted to using what /uhg/ calls cope cages, due to their effectiveness against top-down attacks by drones, RPGs and reducing top-attack ATGMs
"Меркава" с "мангалом" над башней. ЦАХАЛ быстро учится. В данном случае у ВС РФ. ВСУ такому до сих пор не научились. А ведь как смеялись над импровизированными защитными козырьками у москалей.


it doesn't cover the entire thing, does it?


It covers the majority of the turret that is actually a risk to the crew. Penetrations to the rear are unlikely and won't likely hit critical parts of the tank unless they hit the spare ammunition stowage. The front of the tank is also meant to take a hit and be mobility killed while letting crew escape.


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>You might say that militaries are getting rather "cagey" about drones


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HAMAS has been using dual-mounted Kornet ATGMs to over-come the Merkava's resistance to HEAT penetration, the system of dual-firing is called Tharallah.



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Wrapping unguided rockets with aluminum foil will confuse the monopulse/mechanically steered active radar seeker inside Tamir interceptor missile of the Iron Dome. An engineer from Raytheon who helped develop Iron Dome stated this acts as chaff and decreases intercept probability.

The Ground RADAR of the Iron Dome is better at discerning the different between the rocket and chaff, but the Tamir missile's seeker is not nearly as sensitive.



https://www.kaznu.kz/Content/Общевоенная%20подготовка/page19.html (Ручной противотанковый гранатомет (РПГ – 7В))

I'm interested in the quality of the ПГ-7ВР warheads they're producing as a HEAT warhead isn't complex, but a tandem one isn't as easy to make. They certainly seem effective however, so clearly they're made correctly. Perhaps Iran or Iraq sent them the tooling needed.


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>Wrapping unguided rockets with aluminum foil will confuse the monopulse/mechanically steered active radar seeker inside Tamir interceptor missile of the Iron Dome. An engineer from Raytheon who helped develop Iron Dome stated this acts as chaff and decreases intercept probability.
This is the dumbest shit I ever read.


I mean the original chaff used in WW2 was essentially metal strips being dropped by bombers to create false reflections in RADAR imageing, considering the limitations on RADAR size in a missile it would make sense for such a method to have some success.


>I mean the original chaff used in WW2 was essentially metal strips being dropped by bombers to create false reflections in RADAR imageing, considering the limitations on RADAR size in a missile it would make sense for such a method to have some success
You basically answered yourself why adding tinfoil to the rocket is the most retarded thing ever.
Fixing chaff to a rocket just makes the target look bigger.


You fail to understand what foil does to spoof low-power RADARs. It not only creates a RADAR profile, but distorts it, so that you can't actually get a good idea of the target's actual location or proximity, thus the Tamir missile seeker may 'think' that its on top of the target and detonate, when in fact it is ahead or behind the rocket, since the target is so imprecise.

Now again I'm just postulating this based on what I know about RADAR and chaff, so I could be wrong, but I wasn't the person that suggested foil as a method to begin with, I was only repeating a claim by a Raytheon engineer I heard of and thought interesting.


>You fail to understand what foil does to spoof low-power RADARs. It not only creates a RADAR profile, but distorts it, so that you can't actually get a good idea of the target's actual location or proximity, thus the Tamir missile seeker may 'think' that its on top of the target and detonate, when in fact it is ahead or behind the rocket, since the target is so imprecise.
False for two reasons. Tinfoil doesn't distort radar that much and the Tamir uses a laser fuse together with the radar seeker at shortest range.

>Now again I'm just postulating this based on what I know about RADAR and chaff, so I could be wrong, but I wasn't the person that suggested foil as a method to begin with, I was only repeating a claim by a Raytheon engineer I heard of and thought interesting.

These rumors are lies in 99% of time and just cite authority to look more credible.


So in review, Hamas drones were an absolute failure once the invasion kicked off.


Very well. The weapon market is at an all time right and there is now a popular demand from both side for more public spending. Every single weapon manufacturer get filthy rich from the taxpayer's money. This war is a total American victory.

>But all the people who die?

Leave that detail to the unwashed masses. Come on do you think the war on terror was about fighting terror? It's over, we need something new.

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