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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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something like this for this year's hunt
>no plastic or latex gloves
how am I supposed to dress game hygienically without gloves?

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lol at cloaker. this is all the stuff I have realistically, guess I'll die

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okay, never mind, I should be fine now, i'm tacticool

needs lazer sight

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tfw no cancer backpack

or guns for that matter

I hope you're not planning on needing to eat anything while you're innawoods.

Food comes from field kitchens, not pockets

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Ugh, fine!

that's not what 'innawoods' means though.

Well, it's something.

>innawoods thread
Yes, it's traditional /k/ funtimes

To anybody in this thread that’s packing up to live like this, know you’re not going inna-anywhere. Most rural communities outside of the last remaining tribes on this planet aren’t some green paradise where people still live like it’s the Middle Ages, they’re connected to public roadways, railways, and ports. Not to mention most have the level of urban development you could expect from some run down car centric city no matter what country you’re in. Yes the planet is huge, yes there are places where nature exists in the form that’s advertised in the western MSM all over the planet, but actually reaching these locations will require you navigate and travel by foot to reach them because a car, train, bus, or plane will just lead you to another rural zone or park that’s as synthetic as any generic city there is.

it depends on how long you're planning to innawoods, what you will be doing and why you're doing it. take hunting ( >>3611 ) as an example. you'll be gone no longer than a day. that's easy to plan for. on the other hand if you think you're going to hold out against a fascist coup by yourself for who knows how long then you're obviously engaging in delusional LARP
where I live we have the right to roam, so you could potentially forage for quite a while until winter comes

Winter is fun for tracking all kinds of game thankfully

true. some game is sneaky though. for example hares will leave a trail, then walk backwards in it, jump to the side and go in another direction

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That's how you do it.

>no can opener
I hope those are pull tabs on those cans
>no utensils
how barbaric

>hold out against a fascist coup by yourself for who knows how long then you're obviously engaging in delusional LARP
>he isn't planning to hold out for 30 fucking years against the fascists and making their lives a living hell
If some japanese imperials can do it, so can leftists. You never actually have to surrender, you know, and you shouldn't.

Just make sure you're actually prepared and accept living day by day, and don't fall into LARP mindsets. But you should never surrender to fascists, ever.

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based and Dros pilled

There were more

Skinwalker hunting kit
The knife is for fun and the gun is also for fun but also to shoot myself

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Ancapistan loadout

I serve the Soviet Union.

>fascist stick grenades

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