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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Deboonk this


most parts (read: all important parts) are interchangable between Kalashnikova weapons
they also dont break when wading though a swamp


>thirty million versions of the same thing.
>minor fucking changes at that.
yea, no.


This has to be one of the most retarded NCD memes I've ever seen that isn't them just malding about Ukraine.

The AK systems are interchangeable for almost all their parts except for the key features that differentiate different types and models. You also cannot interchange an AR-15 platform with an FN FAL or a Galil, that's fucking nonsense. Also that image also includes the Czech Vz which is retarded since it only looks like an AK and uses the same bullet, but its internal firing mechanism is different, as is the same for any rifle.

TL;DR: This image is retarded and anyone that isn't a NATO-bot or a brainlet that has never handled a gun or knows how different gun families work, would call this out in an instant.


>everyone has completely different guns, only the ammunition is interchangeable
>this is a good thing actually
also yeah I'm pretty sure the major components are interchangeable on the AK family. obviously there are furniture differences and so on but who cares


>10 trillion 16226mm90 40mm cartridge deathlaser rifle
>loses value after a year and gets replaced with some other shitty gun


>ak series
>one of the most widely used and reliable guns to all to this day


>spend absurd amounts of resources making 100 different ways to put a 5.56x45 round out at 200m
genuinely what is the advantage of this
it's wanking over being a snowflake for the sake of being a snowflake


Yeah the L-85 is one of the most garbage assault rifles I've heard of. It's like the early M-16s, but which never got rid of their issues.


It's one of the worst military firearms since WWII, only somewhat surpassed in badness by the INSAS but with even less excuses.
the FAMAS is also neat but has serious problems like the fact that it cannot fire standard NATO ammunition, didn't use standard NATO magazines, and was a mess of parts if it needed to be opened past field strip.

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