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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Imperial guns don’t function like guns, they’re products meant to arbitrarily increase consumption rates and it shows in how they’re designed. Ironically enough having so many attachments to such a basic as shit rifle only makes it harder for any trained shooter to use the damn thing without damaging any of its pointless features, especially when in firefights. Meanwhile guns from decades ago still function just fine along with vehicles. Really makes you recognize the importance of drones, surveillance and hit and run tactics in modern warfare.


Do they ever get to use this shit? It seems to me that at best these attachments are useful in a police style raid. But in combat even in those between unequal combatants the fighting has no need for all the attachments. Burgerreich has absolutely no chance to win against an equal or close enemy without a bigger army. Even the most powerful umbermensch marine with all the attachments on his rifle will die from a single well made shot.

Also has anyone noticed how seemingly uncoordinated and unimpressive real life military fighting is? Media has seemingly poisoned the way we see fighting. If you look at some videos you will quickly notice how skirmishes are seemingly one sided with one side getting almost immediately shot and that most soldiers will die not from directly being shot but from their vehicle riding over a mine which means that all the training and tech will just go to waste.

It seems to me that numbers are the main deciding factor as long as the gap in technology and resources is not too huge.


Also wtf are those shitty tattoos lmao. Reminds me of the Avatar 2 movie where the marine aliens had shitty tattoos too.


Literally has two attachments and one of them is the sight.


TL;DR: The modern gun problem is being tacticool.


Oh and generally shitty. Modern guns stopped outperforming older ones in anything meaningful after Nam. Need more categorization of guns not more of them.


Yeah well, this board is now about cheerleading Russia. So, west gun bad ok?


>saging like a retard
>not even saging correctly
Go back to 4/k/, retard




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>.300 blackout
I like how the West finally caught up with the USSR c:a 1945
>getting filtered by someone putting a flashlight on their gun
that shit comes in handy when hunting hogs at night. also red dots are dope. I don't know what else OP might be whining about


Bullshit take on the "cars and dishwashers are bourgeois excesses" level. Optic sight increase combat efficiency by a factor of 1.5, suppressor increase detection time from 15-20 s to 20-30 s at 200-300 m, almost twofold. Actual men who do "hit and run tactics" camo paint their AKs, put scopes and red dots on them, use supperssors universally. They don't do it because they are blinded by incessant advertising and peer pressure, they doo it to survive and overcome.

video warning: mild blood and gore and bombastic music


there's also the improved comfort and less hearing issues with suppressors


Fair points all of them, I think that what OP is saying is that they take a small SMG-size gun and turn it into an overly technical mess, especially since at this point a lot of it can be combined, the scope, red-dot and flashlight can be combined into a single mount, which would be faster and easier to take off and put on and wouldn't unbalance the gun as much. Moreover in the OP pic it's glaring hot sunlight, yet the fucker has a flashlight mounted when all it serves is to unbalance the gun, since you don't need the flashlight in the open fucking desert in daytime. or whatever open space we're seeing here.


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I don't know if the man holding the gun is a real spec ops or a cosplayer with too much money burning his hands, but that config is pretty sensible. A compact gun in .300BLK is roughly analogous to Soviet AS Val and is intended for short-range CT/SWAT/sabotage-reconnaissance work, where typical contact distance is 2 to 150 m and user is expected to fight both outdoors and indoors. Flashlight is for indoors combat, its utility is threefold: it lights some dark hallway, as expected, it dazzles the opponent, and it serves as ultra close range laser sight, central brighter spot in the beam showing point of aim.

Attached is AS Val of Russian internal forces specnaz operator known as k-a-r-d-e-n ( https://k-a-r-d-e-n.livejournal.com/ )

It should be noted you NEVER use a flashlight during the night. It is a homing beacon for enemy fire, your team will be instantly unmasked and hosed with all the firepower enemy got.


>Moreover in the OP pic it's glaring hot sunlight, yet the fucker has a flashlight mounted when all it serves is to unbalance the gun, since you don't need the flashlight in the open fucking desert in daytime. or whatever open space we're seeing here.
It's really more trouble than it's worth to be detaching and reattaching a flashlight to a gun


>the scope
What scope are you talking about?


>I don't know if the man holding the gun is a real spec ops or a cosplayer with too much money burning his hands
He used to be a SERE instructor for the Air Force, but now he's pretty much become a cosplayer


You're right, I was using incorrect termnology; it's an optical sight with some magnification.

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