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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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So Zastava and the Serbian Army have decided to venture away from the M70 (Yugoslav AK47 clone) as a service weapon and adopt the new M19 Modular Combat System.
It can use the old 7,62 mm cartridge and a proprietary 6,5 mm (based on Grendel) cartridge. Changing the cartridge involves a barrel swap, which can be done on-the-fly.
While it's has a lot of changes from the M70, it still uses the Kalashnikov system.
Is it too weird for a service rifle?

Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zastava_M19
Video by a gun Youtuber from the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CE2wNnmIOg


What's the point in proprietary ammo?


I haven't been able to find how or why is it different from the 6.5 mm Grendel. The proprietary and Grendel would both be new in the Serbian Army and would be produced in Serbia, so the benefits of having a more standard cartridge would probably just come down to being able to import ammo if the need arises.
The 7.62 mm is used because that's what the M70 and many other Zastava rifles shoot, so the production and stockpiles already exist, along with other benefits that come with that. Even if there's a shortage of the proprietary ammo, the guns would still be able to use the old ammo (but that begs the question of why make a modular rifle instead of just modernizing the M70 a bit).


Yugo-anon have you returned to us?


I don't understand why not just keep using 7.62 or 5.56mm though if different new bullet standards don't seem to offer any benefits or performance increases


I wonder why so many countries, even small ones seem to be trying to update their small arms.
Functionally, little has changed in the last few decades save the explosion in usage of various attachments. But these could already be accommodated with minor modifications to existing inventories. In the grand realm of warfare, newer small arms ultimately produce little additional effect on the battlefield, fire support (e.g. artillery and airpower) still proves to be the main cause of casualties. Unless whatever new weapon has such a revolution in one area, its effect will always be marginal and the time and effort taken to introduce and update the entire chain of supply might be better used elsewhere.

It's for that reason that Uncle Sam, China and Russia used decades-old weapons (with upgrades) for so long, the M4A1, QBZ and the AK-74 are about as good as it gets until a new revolution in material science.


New guns means a new opportunity for arms contractors I guess


AFAIK the reason why 6.5mm is the hot new calibre is because 5.56mm is too focused on range and velocity for an assault weapon where everything is mid-ranged at most and sacrifices penetration capability, while 7.62mm was already replaced in the Soviet military primarily for being too heavy, so 6.5mm is in the middle of not being as heavy as 7.62mm while not being a pointlessly light, low penetrating but high velocity round as 5.56mm.

Guns simply get worn out over time and eventually you need to completely replace your 40 year old rifles since metal fatigue and corrosion and such means overhauling won't necessarily guarantee safety or reliability. They *could* just produce brand new M70s, but they could also design a brand new design with all the improvements desired (weight being a big one) with the possibility of exporting the weapon to make back the R&D costs. M70s might not be competitive export rifles forever and Zastava no doubt wants an exportable rifle that compete's with Kalashnikov's own AK-12 series.

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