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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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well, i think it's obvious Kek is a goverment religious OP, and along with other things we can consider that people have been in a mind-war since the creation of governance/hierarchy as an institution, though messing with these egyptian deities and other things is exactly how a capitalist would ultimately think, especially market-reasoning wise. Their goal in some angles is to control themselves past life and death.

And I think, as communists, anarchists, and other strands which declare liberation in resources, land, and space. We need to develop something for ourselves against these people. I know the DKMU exist, I think they are so far a great little addition as magickal forces out here, but it doesn't seem like we've had much like, people helping out on the areas of fighting against those things. Of course marxists, dumb it down to, "materialism is the one true" science thing, but to me, I still find them to be intertwined in a ultimately occult system of control on death, life, and areas that the capitalist tries to gain domain over, stripped into nihilism/atheism, but though, i think these systems can end up being eventually killed, which goes into the schizophrenictizing of capitalism along with just pure religion/paranoid territory, which the state tries to enforce, embrace, or mediate.

I think we can perform warfare though, at least, in defense from these people along with things, especially with their influence hopefully also. Though, we might be all silly doing it or small groups, but it could be fun along with help disrupt further authoritarian symbol along with language production around these things by attacking the thing in metaphysical space.


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nope, those won't help sadly

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