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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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How do you take it from a prepper LARP to a legitimate strategy and contingency plan? From what I understand, plenty of revolutionaries have had to do this through history to survive. It seems like a very important skill to have in the event that you need to evade fash or rapidly declining material conditions during the fall of capitalism.

Realistically, how do you accomplish this? Even in an extremely generous situation where you have your own land in the middle of nowhere, and have the money to buy supplies (clothing, repair equipment, tools) once in a while, it seems nigh-impossible in the modern era. Not only do you have to survive mother nature and construct and maintain reliable shetler and storage, you also have to somehow secure methods of maintaining gun supplies, food, clothing, information, etc. Most of this seems to demand either a lot of money or a lot of crime (which has its own issues with making the local proles hostile to you)

I'm interested in resources and methods of training survival skills (without getting myself killed like a retard).


Dont eat strange mushroms


>plenty of revolutionaries have had to do this through history to survive
they always had support from local communities. You most importantly need a support system


See https://100r.co/site/off_the_grid.html
It's the comprehensive guide that everyone seems to forget.


Build a bunker to survive WW3 nuclear shit. It can't be that hard


LARP preppers, which dominate SEO on the subject because their conception of prepping is largely based in consumption rather than sustainability, have main character syndrome and want to Minecraft Steve their way to survival while mowing down all the poors for any excuse they can get.

Real prepping would require a cooperative of some sort, and involve permaculture farming.


The way you take it from LARP to Contingency is writing it down with quantities.

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