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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Want a gun but its impossible to get a gun license in your country? Buy a repeating crossbow. These things will nail the target in a wall behind them.

<Tactical Repeating Crossbow – Maybe this is the biggest innovation in the crossbow market ever – this weapon changes everything.

<The 7.5 inch arrows (or bolts) have screwed-on field points and reach a proud 30 joules at 130 pounds tensile weight. The arrow speed is approximately 78 m/s (256 fps), which makes the Adder accurate even at distances up to 50 meters (55 yards). In our tests, the standard field tips penetrated through several layers of clothing and a thick layer of ballistic gel, then perforated a coconut poured into the gel block. By using the special High-Penetration Bodkin tips, which have razor-sharp edges, this penetration power can be further increased.

<The removable tactical rear stock is adjustable. The weapon can also be used without the rear stock, which makes it even more compact if required. The all-metal red dot visor supplied with the weapon can be adjusted vertically and horizontally.


There is also a new 18 bolt feeder for this crossbow.

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More badass than a gun too

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>posts example where the guy also has a gun and it is much more badass

Here is one with a clip and a better reload mechanism.

Does this gun kills people? I dont wanna kill people man

porky are not people

>Dehumanizing the enemy is good lol
No anon. I have no sympathy for Porky but to say this shit is equivalent to those /pol/fags that cite that Polish Nazi about "I've never killed people, only communists"
Socialists seek to rise above their ideological enemies and not stoop to their level, that is a path to fascism and Populism. Even in WW2 and the height of the Cold War, the Soviet government never damned the people under fascist regime, but the fascists themselves, it's why Nazi and CIA propaganda tried so hard to propagate the image of "sub-human Easterners coming to rape and pillage!"
Mao, Stalin and Che among others talked about this.

50J starts being enough for hunting the kind of small game you can with a .22, from a legal perspective (rabbits, pigeons etc). but because the bolts are so heavy, I expect it might also work for things as big as roe deer. an added benefit of crossbows is that they're silent
he should make one with a motor for cocking

also I recently learned that in Finland trappers would hunt squirrels using blunt bolts so as to not damage their fur. the name for money in Finnish also stems from the name for squirrels

its regulated as any gun here and you also need to be apart of registered hunting club

Thoughts on this shit?

Sniper crossbow rifle? Sign me up, shut up and take my money!

"no lethal weapon for long range"?
1500 dollars for this type of weapon? An imported costs more than 11000 dollars?
"Cold non explosive weapon"
"Low velocity, silent weapon, very reliable, no need for high training, customable arrows, a peoples militia weapon, great military tradition"?
Based video, Very based

Now i have ideas about crossbows as a tool of revolutionary potential.

need help on deciding which one to get for killing enemies of the working class, anons. please help

this is interesting. hope this isnt simply shilling

bump any recs

the cheapest one you can make. train on it for like a month and boom, you can bolt your class enemies.

got it thanks

also not sure if trolling but cheap and reliable approach to anything is always kino

why is everyone bald?

>Illegally carrying a crossbow is a public security violation and will incur legal responsibility, especially when entering public places or public transportation. According to Article 32 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China," those who illegally carry firearms, ammunition, or crossbows, daggers, and other controlled devices specified by the state shall be detained for no more than 5 days and may be fined up to 500 yuan; if the circumstances are relatively minor, they shall be given a warning or fined no more than 200 yuan. Those who illegally carry firearms, ammunition, or crossbows, daggers, and other controlled devices specified by the state into public places or public transportation shall be detained for no less than 5 days and no more than 10 days and may be fined up to 500 yuan.

>The Beijing police remind: According to relevant laws, crossbows have strong lethality and are classified as controlled devices specified by the state. Unauthorized production, sale, and use are prohibited. Citizens are advised not to illegally purchase, use, or carry crossbows out of curiosity or other reasons. If you have crossbows or other controlled devices at home, please voluntarily turn them in to the nearest public security organ. Those who do not voluntarily surrender illegal items and are caught by the public security organs will be punished according to the law.





as cool as crossbows are, his "instant legolas" bow is even neater I think. And easier to make DIY and less regulated too !

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