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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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i’m from >>>/pol/. my assumption would be AK larps, but i am genuinely intrigued.

picrel are mine. i hope to get a 12 gauge soon. that’ll be the trifecta.

i apologize for the upside down photo, phone does that when it wipes the exif data.

another question i’d also like to get an answer to is how gun ownership intersects with your political beliefs.

an ar since its the smartest option someone in the US could have

neat. thank you for replying to my thread leftybro. what rig do you run?

would you also be willing to elaborate on the question i posed in >>4906? i'm curious as to where your leftist beliefs and your gun ownership intersect. my understanding of the breadth of your belifs is truly fairly limited.

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here is a /bant/-tan as a symbol of friendship

i'm always surprised by how slowly your board moves. it's funny getting sequential post number down the line in a thread.

and so i shall wait.

NTA but gun ownership under socialism isn't what the MSM or /pol/ tells you. Gun restrictions under socialism were actually quite a bit less restrictive than in the USA today. Gun violence was low because there was a culture of respecting weapons as tools of destruction and so not to be fooled around with or to be used lightly.

My Grandfather was an ordinary man in the USSR, owned several rifles, shotguns and an AK-47 as well as some mock-grenades (the mostly harmless flash-bang ones used for military training) that he kept to scare off intruders. Knives? You could make them and sell them at a bazaar, so anything save for military grade heavy weapons were only restricted by paperwork from he DoSAAF

I'll post the legal details later, gotta dig up my old info

> gun ownership

Leftists are generally very pro gun

thank you for the replies. you all are very cordial.

\where did my namefag come from? the field was empty.

i'm looking forward to it. thank you for the /hist/ post

>\where did my namefag come from? the field was empty.

1 of may celebration, today is workers day, everybody has names now. It will not last long, this happened in international woman day too. Is just temporarily.

We're cordial if treated cordially you'll find. although I'll admit the main board has a lot of people that are assholes

No problemo.

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Alright so I found some of the stuff but it's disorganized so I'm just gonna write an effort post on the important part I want to carry across.
In the USSR not only were hunting weapons allowed but all students were given pre-military training. There was a class called Basic Military Training for grades 9 and 10. Teacher would usually be a retired military officer. One would have to take apart an AK and learn to do it within 30 seconds. They would also be taught to fire small-caliber rifles either semi-auto or bolt action on a range, from 25-100 meters. I doubt there was ever something like Columbine in the USSR and accidental deaths by guns either. (Meanwhile in the enlightened Britain one has to register a goddamn flare gun and/or antique fire-arm or have it rendered inoperable). The 2 year mandatory military service (or 4 months officer courses for University students) had every man taught how to use a machine-gun, assault rifle, to dig trenches etc. skills related to warfare that would stay with them forever.
- https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP82-00047R000100160006-6.pdf
- http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-12893.html
- https://archive.is/YrEkl
- An anecdote: https://ekabu.ru/125835-sovetskie-shkolnicy-1-foto.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170625060750/https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Начальная_военная_подготовка

The State encouraged civilian gun use, awarding good marksmanship with medals like Voroshilov's Sharpshooter, awarded to +700,000 civilians. Throughout the USSR you could order hunting rifles and other things from the Soviet Postal service, with a magazine ordering system called Посылторг (Package Trade) similar to Sears Roebuck in the USA, but State-owned. You'd send a copy of your gun license, hardly a big deal considering.

- https://archive.is/nPq3G (catalog instruction scan in the comments below post).
- https://archive.vn/gX0QO
- https://archive.vn/xEA1U
- https://archive.vn/MfRbC

Also notice how the wiki claim on gun control in the Soviet Union has (as of 2019) messed up sourcing, talking of gun control beginning in 1929 while sourcing decrees of 1918 and 1920 (When the USSR did not yet exist). The source of these claims is a scurillous pro-czar site that makes fallacious claims that gun-ownership, and everything was far better under the Czar. It also fails to actually quote any of the degrees from 1924 onward, only 'supposedly' describing its contents. The soviet poster, "Citizens! Hand in your arms!” during the reign of revolutionary terror in the Civil War of 1918–1921 was a war-time measure due to a critical lack of weapons available to the Red Army. It is no different to US WW-2 posters encouraging people hand in their metal, paper and silk to the US army. And the confiscation of weapons from those resisting or involved in sabotage is no different to any other revolution in which counter-revolutionary elements are disarmed.
- https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2013/01/hitler-stalin-gun-control/

>“Policemen were responsible for gun control,” writes Katherine Bliss Eaton in Daily Life in the Soviet Union (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004): "Private citizens and institutions could own hunting weapons if they had police permission and registered their guns at the local station house. The militia could confiscate weapons and ammunition from people who showed signs of dangerously irresponsible behavior."

Sounds reasonable to me.
Punishment for not observing the rules were initially quite liberal. Before 1935, non-compliants risked prison for less than 1 year, or fines. A 5-year prison term was introduced in the Yezhovschina of 1937, unless more serious charges were brought in. Up 'til the '60s, a whole lot of people carried around guns. If the police asked questions about these, all people needed was some kind of documentation that showed the weapon was legal. This changed at the end of '60s after the first incidents of airplane hijacking* using firearms occurred. The number of non-military government officials entitled to service weapons was drastically cut. Use of firearms for self-defense outside of the home could result indictment for “excessive use of force”, until further investigation, something no different to the USA, which tightened its air-ports further and further, and has been placing "excessive use of force" charges regularly. The Criminal Code of the RSFSR 1960, Article 218, details imprisonment and/or fines for illegally owned/produced weapons; guns, explosives, etc.

Hunting was common and regulated only to prevent harming populations, (Now look at Russia's capitalist poaching) In 1953 (soon after Stalin's death) "On Hunting" law was promulgated by the Soviet of Ministers, postulating that hunting arms and ammunition should be sold with no licensing requirements whatsoever and that the MoD should 'improve production of guns for the benefit of gun-owners, develop and manufacture new better and cheaper guns'. Additionally there were organizations such as OSOVIAKHIM that provided free training in marksmanship and gun culture. According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 11, 1959 № 478 "On Measures to Improve the Management of Hunting", the free sale of smooth-bore hunting rifles was regulated to prevent poaching. The right to hunt with hunting firearms however remained granted to all citizens of the USSR, who were members of the Hunter's Society, who passed tests on the hunting minimum and paid a minor state fee in the prescribed amount (equivalent to a few dollars). To purchase a smooth-bore hunting rifle, it was necessary to present a member's hunting ticket of the hunter's society. In the industrial hunting areas (for furs), a different procedure was established.
- http://articles.latimes.com/1985-08-30/news/vw-25513_1_fur
Not to mention sport's use managed by DOSAAF, which is why soviet snipers were some of the world's best.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOSAAF
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ворошиловский_стрелок

As a side note: Vasiliy Zaitsev as an example of hunting weapons and their legality. Zaitsev grew up hunting regularly, owning his first rifle, a Berdan, at the age of 12. Zaitsev was born in 1915, so he owned the rifle in 1927. Zaitsev only joined the Communist party in 1943, 16 years later, yet continued to own several rifles and guns prior to this. This example debunks the idea that non-party members couldn't own guns.
Pavlichenko meanwhile was never a hunter, however she was a civilian marksman champion, but only entered a sniper school for a short period of time before being sent to the front line. There she made her name eliminating over 100 Germans, including 30 enemy snipers.
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/eleanor-roosevelt-and-the-soviet-sniper-23585278/

*A small source tid-bit: https://splinternews.com/revisiting-the-airplane-hijacking-heyday-of-the-1960s-1793855875

As a personal anecdote; Even the Spetsnaz and GRU were a hell of a lot less trigger happy than US SWAT. One time they were on a manhunt for an escaped criminal during the night, and my Grandfather pulled out his AK and basically told them to freeze or he'll shoot. They had lasers on him instantly, but didn't fire and simply talked things out quickly before moving on, no screaming about "put down your w*apon!" no opening fire out of fear, just measured, professional actions.

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Some stuff on Hoxhaist Albania I researched a while back too.

Historically Albania was a gun-friendly country. Not in the National Rifle Association sense, but in the "glorious tribe with its helmsman defends the family from the blood feud which have engulfed his relatives" sense.
>"All our people are armed in the full meaning of the word. Every Albanian city-dweller or villager, has his weapon at home. Our army itself, the army of a soldier people, is ready at any moment to strike at any enemy or coalition of enemies." (1968, Hoxha. Selected Works Vol. IV, p. 501.)

Jan Myrdal, a sympathetic political "pilgrim," recounted the following in Albania Defiant (p. 17):
>"The entire Albanian people are armed, but the navy, the air force, and armored units are—naturally enough—not particularly strong. In May 1961 the Soviet leaders tried to undermine Albania's defenses by giving their officers orders to steal Albania's eight submarines. Naturally, this theft irritated the Albanians. But it hardly undermined Albania's defenses, which are based on the ability of its totally armed population to defend its mountains."

And page 146:
>"Chinese support is important, but crucial to Albania's defense is that the entire Albanian people are armed, have weapons. There are weapons in every village. Ten minutes after the alarm sounds, the entire population of a village must be ready for combat. There has never been any shortage of weapons in Albania, but never have the people been as armed as they are today."

The country stressed self-defense a lot more than most other states.

I'm sure, regardless, that there was restrictions on the official stance on gun ownership, but from what I've read and seen guns more or less flowed freely, which could be seen for instance when the authority of the state corroded in the 1990-1992 period and when, as a result, blood feuds rose right back up again and were conducted with military arms.

- https://archive.org/details/AlbaniaDefiant/page/n1

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v_z48do7NQ

>Citizens were trained from the age of 12 to station themselves in the nearest bunker to repel invaders.[9] Local Party cells organised families to clean and maintain their local bunkers,[10] and civil defence drills were held at least twice a month, lasting for up to three days, in which civilians of military age of both sexes were issued with rifles (but no ammunition).[18]


thank you for the insight, brothers.

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You're welcome.

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two bolt actions rifles for hunting, a side-by-side, a combination gun and a 10/22. might replace the rifles with a semi-automatic like the SFAR in the future because the Mauser M96 action isn't the most secure and because 7.62 NATO is more standard

this information seems useful for updating the Glowiepedia article on Soviet gun laws: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_the_Soviet_Union

Don't bother. I tried and it was scrubbed from the site - it's glowiepedia for a reason. It would be better to make a proper leftypedia article on it. I have more information on the subject, so I'll form a more coherent document to use at a later time.

so i shall wait.

idea: writing well-sourced articles on leftypedia then copy-pasting them to wikipedia, especially for abandoned stub articles. if they stick they stick. if they don't, then at least we have them on leftypedia

Fair idea I suppose.

I remembered this thread after posting this, see >>4999 as another demonstration of how NOT anti-gun the USSR and Warsaw Pact were.

all the boards besides /leftypol/ and /siberia/ are basically post and wait a week

also kys nazi faggot

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Lol never in my life seen someone post they own a FAL. That's funny. I wasn't aware there was anyone that was a fan of that gun, I don't know anything about them because I never hear anyone talk about them.

I have no guns even tho I live in a constitutional carry state and being very gun fascinated growing up. I've gotten this far in life without one and it feels like it would be more of an Albatross around my neck. If shit gets worse I'd buy and I like that firearms are legal tho.

>>4903 Your FAL is awesome.

My family always had guns and I plan to get some at some point, but just not a huge priority for me.

> wasn't aware there was anyone that was a fan of that gun
Not OP, but the FN FAL is considered a very good assault rifle. Een as an AK-fan I think the FAL is definitely well made.

>Lol never in my life seen someone post they own a FAL. That's funny. I wasn't aware there was anyone that was a fan of that gun, I don't know anything about them because I never hear anyone talk about them.
IIRC FALs are popular amoung /pol/ types because they can LARP as Rhodesian soldiers.
>Not OP, but the FN FAL is considered a very good assault rifle. Een as an AK-fan I think the FAL is definitely well made.
I wonder why nobody ever made modernized versions of the FAL like people make modernized versions of the AK? You never hear about the FAL after it got phased out in most of the countries that used it in the early 1990s.

>all the boards besides /leftypol/ and /siberia/ are basically post and wait a week
>also kys nazi faggot
Read the rules and relax
<7) Reactionism and liberalism, or any other kind of non-leftist positions are not banned in itself, as we will endeavour to allow and encourage people of other political philosophies to explore leftism through /leftypol/ so long as they follow the rules contained herein.

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where could you have possibly gotten that idea from? and they do make modern iterations of the fal in the civilian market. the use case for a fal in military use is probably stunted in modern combat would be my guess as to why they no longer use it. it is a mid to long range battle rifle, useless in close quarters and maneuvering inside of a building. mid length assault rifles do a better job in/outdoors and have decent enough accuracy. the fal is just too long and heavy. i can’t imagine backpacking through african bush with that motherfucker loaded and swung over my shoulder, not to mention plus spare mags and the rest of my kit.
the proper term would be battle rifle, not to be a grammae nazi.
they aren’t going for cheap. i bought it before i moved out when i had money. working to pay for miscellaneous odds and ends, i can’t even get the low rent mossberg i want.
thank you for the knowledge drop. also i won’t kms, i have a future as a subversive guerilla fighter to look forward to.
based archivist. love you guys. thanks for being here.

check https://www.falfiles.com/. you’d be surprised.

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I want Finnish alien AK. Just look at this fucking monstrosity. Now this is how a gun should look.

I love ugly monstrous looking all metal guns. I love when countries make their own mutated looking knock offs/variants.

Have a Korean mutant MP5 as well.

is that.. an ar lower on that mp5sd clone? and that magwell has so much dead space. that physically hurts to take in.

neat ak variant tho. i'm hitting the sack. ty 4 posting anon.

it is certainly well made, the belgians did a wonderful job designing and refining the fal. it kicks like a mule and has enough power to turn a skull into pink mist. not to mention if you are adept with the rifle it can be accurate past 800 meters. it is a fine semiautomatic marksman rifle. fun fact it also came in a fully automatic configuration, but i wouldn’t bother with it. you can smack a 30rd mag on the weapon, but with the added weight i’d rather sick with the 20rd box. i feel the weapon would be best suited for not assault use, but more in line with support and distance fire. i want to steel my capability with distance shots as i feel that use case best suits the weapon. some day i’d like to assemble an m4 pattern rifle. i want a shorter barrel for the prospect of room clearing. if you try doing it with the FAL, you can’t maneuver worth a damn. the weapon is too long at 43 in and too bulky at 10-11 pounds loaded with 20+1.

you can acquire a short barrel fal para, but i’d rather stick with the one and only in my possession and get another weapon to fit the bill. there’s plenty. the FN PS90 SBR is a really neat one with a severely compact package and a great caliber (5.7mm). gen ones are also readily convertible to fully automatic, but you most certainly didn’t hear that from me.

Good point. It's more of a Battle Rifle desu.

As a side note I always found the Ruger Mini-14 to be pretty well made and ergonomic. Modern rifles and all the tacticool stuff on them just doesn't appeal to me.

you've got good taste in weaponry, anon. a rifle only needs bear minimum. some additions can be useful, such as a tac light or a fore grip, but i find the rifles i click with the most are simple: irons, innate controls, and reliable. you don't need more weight than necessary, or extra bullshit that serves no operational purpose. just a weapon and nothing more.


they did. but i do not believe hope is lost for a future. i idealize the nationalism and the empire they achieved in such a short amount of time, not the fallen regime itself. i find the beauty in what was and hope that one day we may see it again. god willing, we do. nice edit though, i would've done the font differently, specifically how it fades in and it's placement. probably lining the top and bottom like a static meme.

>they did. but i do not believe hope is lost for a future. i idealize the nationalism and the empire they achieved in such a short amount of time, not the fallen regime itself. i find the beauty in what was and hope that one day we may see it again. god willing, we do.

If you want something that actually worked, lasted long, achieved even more impressive goals than taking advantage of the fact your neighboors were unprepared cucks, and for a non retarded good new ideology, look at the early muslim conquests.

>they did. but i do not believe hope is lost for a future. i idealize the nationalism and the empire they achieved in such a short amount of time, not the fallen regime itself. i find the beauty in what was and hope that one day we may see it again. god willing, we do.

If you want something that actually worked, lasted long, achieved even more impressive goals than taking advantage of the fact your neighboors were unprepared cucks, and for a non retarded good new ideology, look at the early muslim conquests.

sorry for doubleposting, the server had a stroke

interesting. i’ll look into it. thank you.

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fourth reich, you mean?

i’ll have you know i graduated at the top of my class at the SS-Junkerschulen in 1936 and served in the SS Sonderpädagogik brigade. i would check yourself if i were you, kiddo.

I'll give you the Flak 88 as a good gun but the Chinese 20 barrel Gatling guns are the best.

Why are you and everyone else talking about rifles?

did you read op? it was the initial question that lead me here.

flak is cool and all but not too terribly accessible to an unorganized guerilla force. rifles on the other hand..

are you referring to this or what appears to be their modern CIWS?

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oop picrel

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neat weapons system

>AK larps
Nah, crossbow for the win MF!

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