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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice


A crossbow would be better, but that seem like it'd work fine.


1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


File: 1715701313067.jpg (260.46 KB, 1024x1024, OIG1.7F.jpg)

Birdshot round are good for home defense. Hit an intruder anywhere near the face and you'll ruin their objective without killing them.
Home defense is different than having a body count, try to avoid that if possible.
A blank, a couple round of birdshot and then HP for the final rounds if things get serious. I like my shotgun because I've been able to dissuade one potential intruder with the sound of racking it, glad I haven't had to kill anyone.


The best form of home defence is owning a home that’s not in a place that needs defensive equipment.

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